Tumi dubaye bhashaite paro Bashaye kinar dao karo Rakho maro, haak maro, Taite Tomae daki ami. Elahi Alamin go Allah Badsha Alampana Tumi Nuhu name ek Nobire Bhashale okul pathare. Abar tare meher kore, Aponi lagan kinare Zaher ache tri shangshare Amae doya koro shwami Elahi Alamin go Allah Badsha Alampana Tumi Nizam namer batpar sheto Papete dubiya roito Tarmone shumoti dile Kumoti taar gelo chole Awliya naam khatae likhle Jana gelo oirohomi Elahi Alamin go Allah Badsha Alampana Tumi Nabi na manilo jara Mohahed kafero tara Shey mohahed daimal hobe Behishab dojokhe jabe Abar tare khalash dibe Lalon koe mor ki hoe jani? Elahi Alamin go Allah Badsha Alampana Tumi |
You mysteriously drown someone only to rescue, And after rescuing, it is again You who reach him shore. You are the Grantor of life and death, calling all to You; Thus You alone I call upon! Allah You alone is the Sovereign Power, King of kings of the multiverse. The world knows that You made Prophet Noah sail across water without boundaries, and it is You Who in Your mercy made him embark. O Lord of my life, please have mercy on me as well. Allah You alone is the Sovereign Power, King of kings of the multiverse. There was this fraud by the name Nizam, Who used to be immersed in sins, You transformed his heart and all his desires to sin vanished. Among the saints his name was inscribed in Your Book, and that is how he became know in the world. Allah You alone is the Sovereign Power, King of kings of the multiverse. Those who did not recognize the Prophet They are the hideous coverer of truth They are to enter Your fiery wrath without reckoning for blaspheming against the Truthful Spirit. Then again You will make them free. Lalon wonders what shall my end be? Allah You alone is the Sovereign Power, King of kings of the multiverse. |
Lyrics Lalon Fakir, sung by Latif Shah for the movie Moner Mansuh (2010) | You may download the song as mp3 (for personal listening only). |
This beautiful song is from the Movie "Moner Manush" a movie on the life of the famous Mystic Saint and Baul of Bengal, Lalon Shah, may Allah be pleased with him.
You may watch the movie in full via Youtube by clicking here. The original language of this film is Bengali and the version on Youtube doesn't have English subtitle. This is very well made movie made in collaboration of two countries, Bangladesh and India and captures very artistically the mystic life style of Lalon and how the flow of his life gave birth to a whole new movement for the mystics and the God intoxicated ones.
+ Click here to listen to other songs from the movie Moner Manush via Youtube.