Painting by Italian Painter Filippo Palizzia - 'Sleeping Shepherd and His Dog' |
In the name of God the Merciful, the Benevolent | بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim |
Get up my beloved, how is it that you sleep? | قم قم يا حبيبي كم تنام Qum-Qum Ya Habibi Kam Tanam |
It is strange for the lover how can he sleep! | عجبا للمحب كيف ينام Ajabal-lil-Muhibbe Kaifa Yanam |
The Seeker of the Garden does not sleep | طالب الجنه لا ينام Talabil Jannati la Yanam |
The Creator of the night does not sleep | خالق الليل لا ينام Khaliqul-Laile la Yanam |
The Creator of cosmos does not sleep | خالق الخلق لا ينام Khaliqul-Khuluqi la Yanam |
Get up my beloved, how is it that you sleep? | قم قم يا حبيبي كم تنام Qum-Qum Ya Habibi Kam Tanam |
The Throne and the Footstool do not sleep | العرش والكرسي لا ينام Al-Arsho wal-Kursi la Yanam |
The Tablet and the Pen do not sleep | اللوح والقلم لا ينام Al-Lauho wal-Qalamo la Yanam |
The Kingdom of God does not sleep | كل الملكوت لا ينام Kullul Malakuti la Tanam |
Get up my beloved, how is it that you sleep? | قم قم يا حبيبي كم تنام Qum-Qum Ya Habibi Kam Tanam |
The sun and the moon do not sleep | الشمس والقمر لا ينام Ash-Shamso wal-Qamaro la Yanam |
The earth and the heaven do not sleep | الارض والسماء لا ينام Al-Ardo was-Samao la Yanam |
The star and the tree do not sleep | النجم والشجر لا ينام An-Najmo wash-Shajaro la Yanam |
The land and the ocean do not sleep | البر والبحر لا ينام Al-Barro wal-Bahro la Yanam |
The Garden and the Fire do not sleep | الجنه والنار لاينام Al-Jannato wan-Naro la Yanam |
The paradisal companions
and the cup bearers do not sleep |
الحور والقصور لا ينام Al-Hooro wal-Qusooro la Yanam |
Get up my beloved, how is it that you sleep? | قم قم يا حبيبي كم تنام Qum-Qum ya Habibi Kam Tanam |
The bird and the beast do not sleep | الطير والوحش لا ينام At-Tairo wal-Wahsho la Yanam |
The Seeker of the Friend does not sleep | طالب المولي لا ينام Taalibul-Maula la yanam |
The lover and the beloved do not sleep | العاشق والمعشوق لا ينام Al-Aashiqo wal-Maashooqo la Yanam |
Passion and love do not sleep | العشق والمحبه لا ينام Al-Ishqo wal Muhabbato la Yanam |
The night and the day do not sleep | الليل والنهار لا ينام Al-Lailo wan-Nahaaro la Yanam |
The Kindness and Favors of the Friend do not sleep | نعم المولي والكرام لا
ينام Ne'mal-Maula wal-Ikraamo la Yanam |
Get up my beloved, how is it that you sleep? | قم قم يا حبيبي كم تنام Qum-Qum ya Habibi Kam Tanam |
Adam, God's Chosen one, does not sleep | ادم صفي الله لا ينام Aadamo Safiullahe la Yanam |
Abraham, God's Friend, does not sleep | ابراهيم خليل الله لا ينام Ibrahimo-Khalilullahe la Yanam |
Moses, to whom God Speaks, does not sleep | موسي كليم الله لا ينام Moosa-Qaleemullahe la Yanam |
Jesus, God's Spirit, does not sleep | عيسي روح الله لا ينام Eisa Roohullahe la Yanam |
Muhammad, God's Messenger does not sleep | محمد رسول الله لا ينام Muhammad Rasoolullahe La Yanam |
Awake, Awake my beloved, how is it that you sleep? | قم قم يا حبيبي كم تنام Qum-Qum ya Habibi Kam Tanam |
I bear witness that there is none to be worshiped except Allah, the One, Who has no Partner | اشهد ان لا اله الا الله
وحده لا شريك له Ashhadu anna La ilaha illa Allahu Wahdahu la Sharika laHu |
I bear witness that
Muhammad is His Surrendered Servant and Message Bearer |
واشهد ان محمد عبده ورسوله Washhadu anna Muhammadan 'Abduhu wa Rasuluhu |
Allah bless him and give him peace. | صلى الله عليه وسلم Sallallahu 'alaihi wa sallam |
- Original Arabic text is known as Dua-e-Habibi, author is unknown
Thanks to Sidi Abu Faydan (Muhammad Harun Riedinger) of Karachi for his help with the English translation and Sister Samreen Mukhtar for sending the name and providing the transliteration. May Allah reward them both.
“Bismika Rabbee wada‘tu jambee wabika arfa‘uh, fa’in amsakta nafsee farhamhaa, wa’in arsaltahaa fahfadhhaa bimaa tahfadhu bihee ‘ibaadakas-saaliheen.”
“In Your name O Allah, I lay my side and in Your name I raise it. If you keep my soul, give it Your Loving Mercy, and if You release it, care for it as You care for Your righteous servants.”
- Supplication of the Prophet before sleep
In this creation of the Most Exalted Creator, the inner and the outer is intermingled. What the truth conveys in the inner is also reflected in the outer. If we want to be awakened (another word for enlightenment, to have a luminous heart and soul), which happens on the most inner or subtle level of our being - it also demands that on the outer level one must be awake.
And this being awake must happen against the natural tide through struggle (jihad), that is against the natural tendency of sleeping during the precise time when for common people it is time for sleep. To be awake at night literally, is the first degree for attaining awakening internally. That is why keeping night vigil, waking up at night and standing or sitting for prayer and meditation is an universal method prescribed in every tradition for those who seek enlightenment.
Qumil-Layla - Keep night vigils - instructs God in the Quran (73:2)
To have a heart ever awake is a goal of those who wishes to be luminaries among humanity.
My eyes sleep, but my heart never sleeps.
- Saying of Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him, give him peace and help us reach his Path
May God forgive us for our slumberness, most importantly our slumber of heedlessness and help us in rising in the nights which is preserved for remembering the Beloved. May God replace our sleeping hearts with a heart which is ever awake. Ameen O Most Generous Giver!
Verily, getting up at night (for prayer) is the most effective means of subduing (one's carnal self, nafs), and the most upright way to acquire firm control over one's action and speech.
~ Quran, Surah al-Muzzammil, 73, 6
Keep the Dhikr (Divine Remembrance) when people are asleep.
- Advice of the Sufis
# Further:
* Sleep from an Islamic perspective
* To die/ to sleep: Tafsir of Surah 39, Verse 42
* The ears are active during sleep
* Prophet's Guidance regarding sleep
* The Six Kalimas (Sacred Words)