Come back to your senses!
Do you hear that bird sing?
How can you hear the song
and not hear the singer?
How can you see the wave
and not see the ocean?
How can you see the dance
and not see the dancer?"
- Father Anthony de Mello, may God bless his soul
"Is there such a thing as One Minute Wisdom?"
"There certainly is,"said the Master.
"But surely one minute is too brief?"
"It is fifty-nine seconds too long."
To his puzzled disciples the Master later said,"How much time does it take to catch sight of the moon?"
"Then why all these years of spiritual endeavor?"
"Opening one's eyes may take a lifetime. Seeing is done in a flash."
A Christian visited a Zen Master and said, “Allow me to read you the Sermon on the Mount.”
“I shall listen with pleasure,” said the Master.
The Christian read a sentence and looked up. The Master smiled and said, “Whoever said those words was truly an Enlightened Man.”
This pleased the Christian. He read on. The Master interrupted and said, “Those words come from a Saviour of mankind.”
The Christian was delighted. He read on to the end. The Master then declared, “That sermon was pronounced by someone radiant with Divinity.”
The Christian’s joy was boundless. He left, determined to return another day and persuade the Master to become a Christian. On the way back home he found Jesus standing by the roadside. “Lord,” he said excitedly, “I got that man to confess you are divine!”
Jesus smiled and said, “And did it do you any good except inflate your Christian ego?”
Sadi of Shiraz tells this tale about himself:
I used to be a pious child, fervent in prayer and devotion. One night I was keeping vigil with my father, the Holy Koran on my lap. The others in the room began to slumber and soon everyone was fast asleep, so I said to my father, “None of these sleepers opens his eyes or raises his head to say his prayers. You would think they were dead.”
My father replied, “My beloved son, I would rather you too were sleeping like them than slandering.”
Nasruddin earned his living selling eggs. Someone came to his shop one day and said, “Guess what I have in my hand.” “Give me a clue,” said Nasruddin.
“I shall give you several: It has the shape of an egg, the size of an egg. If looks like on egg, tastes like an egg and smells like an egg. Inside it is yellow and white. It is liquid before it is cooked, becomes thick when heated. It was, moreover laid by a hen...”
“Aha! I know!” said Nasruddin. “It is some kind of cake!”
The expert misses the obvious! The Chief Priest misses the Messiah!
The story goes that one of the world’s ablest theologians. Thomas Aquinas suddenly stopped writing. When his secretary complained about his unfinished works, Thomas replied: ‘Brother Reginald, some months ago I experienced something of the Absolute, so all I have ever written of God seems to me now to be like straw.’
How could it be otherwise when the scholar becomes a seer?

The mystic replied, “I had every intention of filling my skirt with flowers and giving them to my friends on my return. But while I was there I became so intoxicated with the fragrance of the garden that I let go of the skirt.”
The Zen Masters put it succinctly: “The one who knows, does not say. The one who says, does not know.”
- From Mystic Anthony de Mello's, Song of The Bird
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