The Final Testament, The Quran is truly an endless ocean of wisdom. Being a Muslim and reading the Quran for sometime, yet at times while reading the Holy Book, new verses come up with completely new meanings. at those moments it seems like reading that very verse for the first time or sometime it feels, 'didn't know such verse existed!' Many of such verses are great source of inspiration as well as meditation.
now when one says meditation, this doesn't mean sitting cross legged on the floor with eye closed. meditation also implies to have deep thought, to ponder consciously. and yes, it could be done in the midst of our daily, ordinary activities - like waiting for a bus or while commuting.
in this series of post, titled Meditative Quranic Verse, i would like to post one verse in each post. since these verses often are esoteric in nature and have multi-dimensional meaning, i will not provide my thoughts (pondering and your thoughts are much more important). rather i will leave the unfolding of meaning upto you, because they will surely unfold different meanings or impressions for you. i generally keep my notes as hints on such verses, so if necessary i may post my hints in the comment.
according to tradition, each Quranic verse has different levels of meanings, apart from simply exoteric and esoteric classifications. according to your state of mind or your state of consciouness the meanings will reveal to you - as God wills. it would be great if you share them in the comments (which may very well illuminate other's heart). yet, if you prefer not to, thats also fine ... to think or to meditate on them is the prime intention here.
here is the first verse on this Meditative Quranic Verse series.
waiAAlamoo anna Allaha yahoolu bayna almar-i waqalbihi
... And know that Allah cometh in between the man and his own heart ... (The Quran, 8:24)
May our heart opens up with the enlightening words and may the illuminating divine wisdom unfolds. Amen
Meditation Islam Quran Quranic Verse Inspiration Inspirational