Healing comes
when we choose
to walk away
from darkness
and move towards
a brighter light.
~ Dieter F Uchtdorf
In the Name of the Real Owner of All Sublime Names in the Heavens and the Earth
In a very enigmatic Sign of the Quran, Allah the Most Sublime Majesty is transmitting to us, "All that are in the heavens and on the earth entreat Him (in their needs). Every (moment of every) day, He is in a new manifestation (with all His Attributes and Names as the Divine Being). ~ The Quran 55:29"
Drawing on that hint that the Real is manifesting ever renewed in every moment and in understanding of the spiritual reality, great mystic, Mevlana Rumi said, "the spirit beholds a new world in every moment."
This being human is a great adventure in which we are given the honor of experiencing a new world, birth of a new cosmos (which is our-selves) in every new day and not only every new day, but every new moment. If we mindfully contemplate this truth that no two moments that make what we are, are the same, every single moment in every single day is exclusively unique in its manifestation - we may come to appreciate this reality. And if we can carry that consciousness we may move towards making the moments in our life more meaningful, more lively, more full of freshness.
"Stop acting so small.
You are the universe in ecstatic motion."
~ Mevlana Rumi
Now in actuality, most of us don't live with that consciousness in most of our time. Specially if you are an ordinary person like me who have a job to go to, a family to take care, have society to mingle with, have traffic to pass through, have emotional ups and downs - then we are not living in the original state of deep peace and complete contentment in all our moments, in all of days of our existential life.
Lets face it. People suffer and we suffer 100% of the time because of our lack of wisdom and application of what we already know, the experiences that life teach. People have all sorts of imbalances including emotional imbalances.
Now there are great wisdom of healing given to mankind through which he/she can heal himself/herself in any of such times of suffering, be it physical, emotional or spiritual. Biological bodies are created by God with capacity to self heal itself. Birds, fishes, animals don't go to doctors, they heal by itself through God's grace and enabling, same is the reality for man. All of the bodily mechanism has already in built capacity to self-heal. We humans often block that capability by our ignorance or by perpetuating our wound.
Jesus Christ, upon him be peace, was among the Messengers of God, the archetype healer so to speak. Allah enriched him with the gift of healing as a Sign of Christ's authority and a witness to his truthful claim of his messengership. The tradition of such powerful healing which is oriented towards divine energy and prophetic methods continues to survive in our day and Sufi Healing carries that line of prophetic healing in our contemporary time.
Let me share here a great healing tip by one of the leading sufi healer in present time. By the enabling of Allah, may this tip be useful to you.
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May your hand be a reflector of the healing energy of Allah, the Only Healer |
Here is a useful self healing tip you can use every day!
Start with identifying the emotion you are feeling (ie anger, loneliness etc).
Track that emotion to a location in your body (usually a place we are experiencing pain or discomfort).
Put your right hand on that location and pray one of the 99 Qualities of God (keep your qualities books handy) that is the opposite of the emotion you are feeling until the emotion and pain go away.
If you do not know what quality to use pray for help and that one be shown to you.
Blessings to all of you!
~ Ibrahim Jaffe. MD (credit)
+ Click here to see a list of 99 Names of Allah
The Divine Names are the pointer to Divine Attributes and Qualities, the reflection of which is found everywhere including within us. If you study them carefully you will notice that there are some Names which are indicative of Divine Beauty (Jamal), others are indicative of Divine Majesty (Jalal) while rest are pointer to Transcendent Attributes. But all names are the Names of Perfection, of the Absolute.
In the context of healing, here are few examples. If you are feeling restless and without peace, then look for the Divine Name which is opposite of it - namely Peace. The Divine Name is as-Salaam - the Source of Peace and Wholeness and Well-Being.
So in this healing, its important to identify the actual emotion. This is an important step where healing begins, because anything that goes on within you, begs for acknowledgement. Once we acknowledge it by our intention of identifying it, this itself will be our first step towards healing light.
Secondly you may find out that instead of restlessness, you're actually feeling insecure. Then look for the Name of Allah which is opposite of insecurity, namely Security. The Divine Name in this context is al-Muhaymin, The Bestower of Security, The Safeguarder. Also similar is the Name al-Mu'min which means The Remover of Fear, The Giver of Tranquility, The Source of Faith. So in this case you have to be mindful and fine-tune accordingly as which Name corresponds more accurately in terms of its Quality.
A third example should suffice here. Say you are feeling fearful about your sustenance, a sense of insecurity regarding your income is engulfing you, you are seeing no hope for your financial security - that means most of this is about your sustenance, your earning, job etc. So the most suitable healing Quality here can be ar-Razzâq - The Provider, The Providence, The Supplier, The Bestower of Sustenance. So if one recite this name with the understanding and certainty that it is God alone who Provides (given that we strive within our capacity) and it is the Same God Who provide for those who don't store their food, namely countless animals and other living creatures on earth, on sea can and will also provide for him/her, this certainty in heart is a powerful energy to heal and wash away the fear, uncertainty and doubt. So with that certainly if one proceed one may come out of his/her unwholesome state and walk towards light of healing and then receive enabling from Allah to fulfill the needs and nourishment of his/her life.
+ Click here to see a list of 99 Names of Allah
+ Download a Recitation of the Beauteous Names of the Divine (as mp3)
About Ibrahm Jaffe, MD.
Ibrahim Jaffe, MD is the current President of University of Spiritual Healing & Sufism (USHS). You may connect with him via his Facebook Page.
"The University of Spiritual Healing & Sufism is a spiritual university that opens her doors to all people who are searching for the truth through the way of God, to all people who love truth and justice, to all people who want to carry the spirit of God, to all those people who love God regardless of their religion or beliefs. This University teaches only divine knowledge that leads to happiness, love and peace." ~ Sidi Muhammad al-Jamal, Spiritual Guide of USHS
# Further:
+ Visit University of Spiritual Healing and Sufism
+ Facebook Page of USHS
+ Books by Sidi Muhammad al-Jamal
+ Spiritual Healing in the Sufi Tradition
+ Modern age's tendency of inventing false disease and spiritual cure for insomnia
+ Ephphatha - Healing of Christ and Sufi Invocation
+ The Importance of Knowing Allah's Names
+ Spiritual Energy Healing in the Sufi Way
+ Spiritual Healing in Islamic Sufi Tradition
+ To heal is to become one with the Deep Love of God