Delighted to introduce the readers of Technology of the Heart a great treasure trove on Comparative Religion, Mysticism and much more. This is the Matheson Trust Library where I chanced upon to discover with great joy that there are a number of very illuminating audio talks made available here given by contemporary authors on subjects such as Islam and Sufism.
The Matheson Trust was established in London in 1974 by Donald McLeod Matheson C.B.E. (1896-1979). Matheson himself was a fine translator of works related to the universal aspects of religion, and thus the Trust was from the beginning dedicated to the study of comparative religion, especially from the point of view of the underlying harmony of the great religious and philosophical traditions of the world.
You will find PDF version of many great articles, MP3 audio format talks / reading and even video formats of lectures. Some of my immediate favorite and recommendations from the Library are shared below:
(+) Aspects of Sufism | Dr. Martin Lings (Audio)
(+) On the Cosmology of Dhikr | William Chittick (Audio)
Lecture 2001 Paths to the Heart Conference, University of South Carolina.
(+) The Prophet by Frithjof Schuon (Audio)
from the book Understanding Islam, read by Reza Shah-Kazemi
(+) Martin Lings: The Sanctity of Sincerity | Reza Shah-Kazemi (Audio)
(+) The Relevance of Sufism in the Contemporary World | Seyyed Hossein Nasr (Audio)
(+) Seeing God Everywhere: Traversing the Spiritual Path | Reza Shah-Kazemi (Video)
(+) The Universality of the Qur’an | Martin Lings (Audio)
(+) Against the Modern World by Mark Sedgwick (PDF)
(+) The Symbolist Mind by Frithjof Schuon (Audio)
(+) Ascent to Heaven in Islamic and Jewish Mysticism | Algis Uždavinys (PDF)
(+) Suhrawardi on Sacred Symbolism and Self-Knowledge | Mohammed Rustom (PDF)
I promise there are much more to discover there, such as autobiography of Zen Master to Taoism and other World Religions.
Browse The Matheson Trust Resources: Full Library | Islam | Sufism | Subjects | Religions