My Lord, if You are not pleased with me,
then what am I doing here?
And if You are pleased with me
then nothing else really matters!
Let Your song be sung through every string of my life.
May all tune, all songs merge in One Song.
My God, as long as I live, may I live by Your Will.
Can there be any will for lover apart from the Will of the Beloved?
Harmonize my will with Yours to the extent that in the Ocean of Your Will, mine be obliterated like a drop.
Please grant me the knowledge of Your prescribed limits,
grant me the wisdom to understand what is permissible,
what is recommended, what is indifferent, what is unadvised and what is not permissible - through the path traced by the best of exemplar, peace and blessings to him.
I call You by all Your exalted and blessed Names, by all Your Names both known and unknown, by all Names by which Your chosen friends called upon You and You answered their prayers, for You are the Hearer and Answerer of supplications.
By Your noble promise of love: "Remember Me, I shall Remember You" (fazkuruni azkurukum), please remember me as I remember You and glance upon me with a glance of tender mercy and in that glance enshroud my limited humanity with Your Unlimited Divinity.
You alone is the Light, the Veil and the Shadow. Like how You make the sun cover the moon with shadow of this earth, cover me completely with Your never ending Love like a gentle shadow over my existence sustained only by Your sole existence. For is there any existence but Your Existence?
- Sadiq M. Alam
Dhaka, 10 December, 2011
The Reality, Exalted is He, is free from all attributes of changeability. He takes the Veil and removes all thoughts of differences from concept of Divinity, so that they are filled with wonder when they see the Truth freed from things which manifest with the people; and if they desire to give expression to the marvelous Secrets they are prevented from doing so lest words should escape which might resemble the attribution of human qualities to Allah; and this would become a temptation (fitnah) in the ears of the People of the Veil. In truth, this would come only from an elevated desire not to associate any human quality with the Image of the Divine.
Therefore, the only ones who can free themselves from the why and from the possibility of making false attributions, are the Knowers, the ones who have followed the Path of the Unity.
The Oneness in the Essence and the Attributes is what he who fears illusion fears when he hears of the Attributes and he draws near to them, so that he comes to think of them as numerous, in the same way as the unbeliever of old thought of them. But Allah is above all that, and in the Unity the Truth has no numbers, nor does it permit of either increase or decrease, of superfluity or of lack, because there is only Allah alone, and nothing else with Him, and He is through Himself Alone. The Divine Attributes have no existence in themselves alone, and they are not independent in their existence, nor are they capable of being detached from the One Whom they describe; which is the Essence. This is the meaning of the Oneness of the Essence and the Attributes; and as for the Oneness of Actions, there cannot exist any action which is other than the Action of Allah, Praised is He.
- Music of the Soul- Sufi Teachings by Shaykh Muhammad al-Jamal ar-Rifai as-Shadhili, may Allah preserve him and increase our capacity to receive from him
My Lord, if You are not pleased with me,
then what am I doing here?
And if You are pleased with me
then nothing else really matters!
Let Your song be sung through every string of my life.
May all tune, all songs merge in One Song.
My God, as long as I live, may I live by Your Will.
Can there be any will for lover apart from the Will of the Beloved?
Harmonize my will with Yours to the extent that in the Ocean of Your Will, mine be obliterated like a drop.
Please grant me the knowledge of Your prescribed limits,
grant me the wisdom to understand what is permissible,
what is recommended, what is indifferent, what is unadvised and what is not permissible - through the path traced by the best of exemplar, peace and blessings to him.
I call You by all Your exalted and blessed Names, by all Your Names both known and unknown, by all Names by which Your chosen friends called upon You and You answered their prayers, for You are the Hearer and Answerer of supplications.
By Your noble promise of love: "Remember Me, I shall Remember You" (fazkuruni azkurukum), please remember me as I remember You and glance upon me with a glance of tender mercy and in that glance enshroud my limited humanity with Your Unlimited Divinity.
You alone is the Light, the Veil and the Shadow. Like how You make the sun cover the moon with shadow of this earth, cover me completely with Your never ending Love like a gentle shadow over my existence sustained only by Your sole existence. For is there any existence but Your Existence?
- Sadiq M. Alam
Dhaka, 10 December, 2011
The Reality, Exalted is He, is free from all attributes of changeability. He takes the Veil and removes all thoughts of differences from concept of Divinity, so that they are filled with wonder when they see the Truth freed from things which manifest with the people; and if they desire to give expression to the marvelous Secrets they are prevented from doing so lest words should escape which might resemble the attribution of human qualities to Allah; and this would become a temptation (fitnah) in the ears of the People of the Veil. In truth, this would come only from an elevated desire not to associate any human quality with the Image of the Divine.
Therefore, the only ones who can free themselves from the why and from the possibility of making false attributions, are the Knowers, the ones who have followed the Path of the Unity.
The Oneness in the Essence and the Attributes is what he who fears illusion fears when he hears of the Attributes and he draws near to them, so that he comes to think of them as numerous, in the same way as the unbeliever of old thought of them. But Allah is above all that, and in the Unity the Truth has no numbers, nor does it permit of either increase or decrease, of superfluity or of lack, because there is only Allah alone, and nothing else with Him, and He is through Himself Alone. The Divine Attributes have no existence in themselves alone, and they are not independent in their existence, nor are they capable of being detached from the One Whom they describe; which is the Essence. This is the meaning of the Oneness of the Essence and the Attributes; and as for the Oneness of Actions, there cannot exist any action which is other than the Action of Allah, Praised is He.
- Music of the Soul- Sufi Teachings by Shaykh Muhammad al-Jamal ar-Rifai as-Shadhili, may Allah preserve him and increase our capacity to receive from him