Tariqa Shadhiliyya
The Tariqa, the Way of the Prophet Muhammad is one. It is the same way as that of Abraham, Moses and Jesus.
Say: We believe in Allah and that which is revealed unto us and that which was revealed unto Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes, and that which Moses and Jesus received, and that which the prophets received from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and unto Him we have surrendered. (Final Testament 2:136) and We make no distinction between any of His messengers (2:285)
The way of the Shadhiliyya is the straight way. You do not need many months or many years; but one hour is all that is necessary to know the Tariqa and to know your God. All of you come as children to Him.
Muhammad, upon him and to all divine messengers be holy benediction, is the 'insan al-kamal and through him all the knowledge (ma'arifa) from Adam until now is ours because the truth is within our hearts. This is the way of the "Muhammad of the time" or the "Jesus of the time". He is the Prophet of the Holy Light (Imam al-Huda). This Way is the way to know God. The Tariqa Shadhilliya is the way of the person who forgets all things and returns back to the truth as in the beginning; a child in the Presence of God. You can not see more than Him or hear of any other place. You cannot speak without Him. You are with God, in God, to God in the origin of all things. You are in this station and this station is in you; fana al-mutlaq (annihilation in the freedom of God); the start which has no start; the end which has no end.
Say: We believe in Allah and that which is revealed unto us and that which was revealed unto Abraham, and Ishmael, and Isaac, and Jacob, and the tribes, and that which Moses and Jesus received, and that which the prophets received from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and unto Him we have surrendered. (Final Testament 2:136) and We make no distinction between any of His messengers (2:285)
The way of the Shadhiliyya is the straight way. You do not need many months or many years; but one hour is all that is necessary to know the Tariqa and to know your God. All of you come as children to Him.
Muhammad, upon him and to all divine messengers be holy benediction, is the 'insan al-kamal and through him all the knowledge (ma'arifa) from Adam until now is ours because the truth is within our hearts. This is the way of the "Muhammad of the time" or the "Jesus of the time". He is the Prophet of the Holy Light (Imam al-Huda). This Way is the way to know God. The Tariqa Shadhilliya is the way of the person who forgets all things and returns back to the truth as in the beginning; a child in the Presence of God. You can not see more than Him or hear of any other place. You cannot speak without Him. You are with God, in God, to God in the origin of all things. You are in this station and this station is in you; fana al-mutlaq (annihilation in the freedom of God); the start which has no start; the end which has no end.
Al Warith ul-Muhammadi | The inheritor of the praised one, the guide who carries the truth
The Prophet said: "The Children of Israel used to be guided by prophets. When a prophet passed away, another prophet succeeded him. But no prophet will come after me;
The knowers are the inheritors of the prophets."
"In my community there will be my elect followers who will have status equal that of the Prophets from the Bani Israel (Children of Israel)."
- Hadith, sayings of Prophet

Know that the perfect slave is one with his Lord and he is like one immersed in a great Sea who doesnt swim through the Sea by his own effort or intention but is borne with the Sea and is one with the Sea. Many fathomless currents and hidden pearls are contained within the depth of the Sea; so vast and limitless is the Heart of the guide because at once he is in the Sea and the Sea is in him. When you look into the face of the guide, what do you see? You see yourself. If you come to the Ocean with a cup, you drink by the cupful; if you come with a teaspoon your spoon will be filled. If you enter and dissolved in the Presence (fana-fi-shaykh) then you see truly, without limit, beyond form, who you are facing and who you are whom he faces.
Beloved, know that the guide is the holy bride who wants to wed you but only her Beloved within you can truly embrace her. The bride is your Own Original Truth which remains virgin, beneath the veil of every presence.
How do you become, or realize the holy being that you are, for whom the guide has manifest to reflect? Search about yourself, my beloved, and know yourself well. What you truly long for, ask for, so that you may receive it. Call to me from your inner depth, so that I may meet you in that depth from which you call. Again I say, drink and surrender; you take from this Sea what you give to this Sea.
Beloved, I await you.
- From Music of the Soul by Shaykh Muhammad al-Jamal, may God bless him
Sidi Muhammad al-Jamal, Guide of the Time in the Shadhiliyya Sufi Way

The Shaykh has been living on the Mount of Olives in the Holy City of Jerusalem since the year 1959. The teaching from his spirit is very deep and for all those who have a heart and who listen with this heart. His teaching sheds an entirely new light on the reality of Sufism and the significance of carrying this message to everyone in this time.

He began his career at a very young age as an uncompromising man of God, who had no fear of anyone but God, and because of this took a stand facing governments any time they tried to overlook God in their actions or disrespected people’s right to worship God. Being a judge of the courts, he was a government employee, at the same time that he gave weekly sermons in al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem. He has been the spiritual counselor to the people of the Holy Land and to all those who have visited over the past forty years and has given his life as a sacrifice to this work. He makes monthly journeys all over the Holy Land to help the poor and to make sure that everyone has food and clothing. There are always lines of people at his home and at his office because they know that they can find real help from him.

In 1994 he made his first visit to America and has continued to be invited here each year to give seminars and teachings at schools and centers across the United States. The Shaykh is not a teacher for a few following a spiritual path but opens his heart to help everyone from any country or nationality and he has helped people from all over the world.
(Biographical information courtesy of Sidi Muhammad Press)
. Sidi's Silsilah (Line of Spiritual Transmission) and Holy Lineage upto Prophet
Ramadan and Sufi School Retreat with Sidi Muhammad al-Jamal
Its a delight that Sidi is presently in the USA visiting many cities, generously showering his teachings and giving bayat (initiation into the Tariqa) to those who seek the Way, who seek Truth. There will be gatherings and retreat with his presence in a number of states and towns in USA including Northern and Southern California, Austin, Texas and Fort Lauderdale, Florida.
The next of such gathering is coming up on September 4 to 7 at Santa Barbara, Southern California. There will be special Khalwa or all night retreat of prayer, meditation and sufi practices. For this and other events follow the links below:
. Sufi School Southwest (Santa Barbara, CA) | September 4-7The next of such gathering is coming up on September 4 to 7 at Santa Barbara, Southern California. There will be special Khalwa or all night retreat of prayer, meditation and sufi practices. For this and other events follow the links below:
. Ramadan Retreat (Pope Valley, CA) | September 10-20
. Austin Sufi School (Austin, TX) | October 1-4
. Florida Sufi Gathering | October 16-19
> Read Details about Sidi's 2009 Schedule
> Click for a PDF of the Master Schedule (including registration info).

The Last 10 Days of Ramadan Retreat
A very special retreat on the last 10 days / nights of Ramadan will be held from September 10-20, 2009. During this retreat, the Mother Center at Pope Valley (Near Sacramento) California will host Sidi Muhammad al-Jamal and Shaykh Abdullah Nooruddeen Durkee. Sidi’s visit will include Lailat al Qadr (the special night of blessings and revelation) which will be on Wednesday, September 16th, Inshallah. The retreat will end with Eid celebration, possibly on September 20th. Places are limited. So pls consult registration info for details and contact the numbers therein if you intend to receive the blessing of sitting with the guide.
When the seeker is ready, the master appears.
- Ancient Sufi Tradition
# Drinking Further
. Tariqa Shadhiliyya
. Resources via Shadhiliyya Sufi Center
# Past Posts
. With Sidi Said al-Jamal and sufi khalwa night
. Sharing from Sidi Shaykh Muhammad Sa'id al-Jamal's visit
. Reminiscence from a khalwa night