Spring is here! We are shown the beautiful glory of spring after gray winter here in many towns and cities of Northern Hemisphere. Few days back i was waiting at a bus stop under the familiar tree which has been my faithful waiting companion all this winter. Her branches were quite naked all these time and no trace of a single leaf could be found. Suddenly this other day i was taken by surprise and almost with a feeling of awe to see how quickly it has come back from its barren branches to overwhelmingly filled with these white snow like flowers. How quick for such transformation (secret blooming as if) and i was made to think about the inner chemistry thats going on right now in every trees as winter leaves and spring warmth appears. Everywhere nature is surprisingly bursting with new life - through its many hued green leaves and brilliantly colored flowers.
Every spring we are made to witness the Real Alchemy and with every brilliant Art of His, the Real Alchemist leaves His Signature for us.
Everything that is made beautiful and fair and lovely
is made for the eye of one who sees.
- Rumi: Mathnawi I:2383
Originating from the arabic word, 'al-kimia': Alchemy is part of the occult tradition. In origin, al-kimia or alkemie means "transmutation" or "the art of transformation." Leaving behind the popular belief and materialistic interpretation of alchemy as something to transform base metal to gold or in search of an universal solvent or elixir which makes one ageless (all of which have an esoteric meaning behind their apparent meaning) - the Real Alchemy is always present in front of us in the nature. After winter, every spring we witness it in great contrast.
That alchemy is Real Alchemy which transform the gray earth into such vibrant, brilliant colors. In the whole of nature, The Real Alchemist ceaselessly transmutes the colorless dirt into infinite hues and colors that not only visible to human eyes but many are invisible to us, yet visible to bees and insects to invite them to participate in their foreplay in the holy alchemy.
What a meticulously perfect Designer who brings such magical alchemy!
Huwa Allahu alkhaliqu albari-o almusawwiru lahu al-asmao alhusna yusabbihu lahu ma fee alssamawati waal-ardi wahuwa alAAazeezu alhakeemu (transliteration)
He is Allah, the Creator, the Originator, The Fashioner, to Him belong the most beautiful names: all that is in the heavens and all that is on earth, do declare His praises and glory. And He is the Exalted in Might, The Knower. (The Quran 59:24)
Indeed in spring we realize the Divine Quality, Al MUSAWWIR - The Fashioner, The Bestower of Form and Color.
Mujhe Rang De..
Sibghata Allahi waman ahsanu mina Allahi sibghatan
Color yourselves in the colors of God, and who is better in coloring than God!
- Final Testament, the Quran 2:138
There is an invitation out there to color ourselves in divine hue and we are taught how, through the transformation and transmutation in the natural world. Such is the world of real alchemy, such is the message from the Master Alchemist. Colour yourself in the Divine Hue!
"Mujhe Rang De" - an adored prayer statement from the Sufis of India, which is also incorporated in many popular songs of India and many sufi Qawwalis. 'Mujhe Rang De' - literally means Color Me. Its an invocation to color our beings with the best of colors, with Divine Color.
Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even King Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
- 'Isa Messiah (Jesus Christ), upon him be peace

Spring and all its flowers
now joyously break
their vow of silence.
It is time for celebration,
not for lying low;
You too - weed out
those roots of sadness from your heart.
The Sabaa wind arrives;
and in deep resonance, the flower
passionately rips open its garments,
thrusting itself from itself.
- Hafiz, English version by Homayun Taba & Marguerite Theophil
via Poetry Chaikhana
Meaning of the Divine Quality: Al Musawwir
Fashioner / The Maker of Harmony / The Perfect Artist
He it is who has created for you all that is on earth, and has applied His design to the heavens and fashioned them into seven heavens; and He alone has full knowledge of everything.
- The Quran 2:29
- The Perfect Artist Who gives everything the most unique and beautiful form is al-Musawwir.
- Allah simply says "Kun" "Be!" and a whole universe becomes.
- "Allah's treasure is between two letters, "Kaf" and "Nun"
- Allah shapes without using a model.
- Everything is an expression of His infinite beneficence and wisdom
- The Creator (Al-Khaliq), Maker of Perfect Harmony (Al-Bari'), and The Shaper of Unique Beauty (Al-Musawwir) form the creative attributes.
- An artists says he "creates" beauty. An engineer "invents" a flying machine. They think they do it themselves. They forget someone else created the brush or the tools for their creation. They ultimately ignore the 'source' and indeed every source has its Singular Source.
- 'abd al-Musawwir (Instrument or Servant of the Real Fashioner) is the maker of things in accordance with the beauty manifest in all that God has created, because no beauty is possible in opposition to the beauty created by Allah or outside of it.
. photo credit: yohosame cameron, spring flowers pool via flickr also, Yoshiko's flower
. Mori Rung do Chunaria Khwaja Piya
. Aaj Rang Hai

Every spring we are made to witness the Real Alchemy and with every brilliant Art of His, the Real Alchemist leaves His Signature for us.
Everything that is made beautiful and fair and lovely
is made for the eye of one who sees.
- Rumi: Mathnawi I:2383
Originating from the arabic word, 'al-kimia': Alchemy is part of the occult tradition. In origin, al-kimia or alkemie means "transmutation" or "the art of transformation." Leaving behind the popular belief and materialistic interpretation of alchemy as something to transform base metal to gold or in search of an universal solvent or elixir which makes one ageless (all of which have an esoteric meaning behind their apparent meaning) - the Real Alchemy is always present in front of us in the nature. After winter, every spring we witness it in great contrast.

What a meticulously perfect Designer who brings such magical alchemy!
Huwa Allahu alkhaliqu albari-o almusawwiru lahu al-asmao alhusna yusabbihu lahu ma fee alssamawati waal-ardi wahuwa alAAazeezu alhakeemu (transliteration)
He is Allah, the Creator, the Originator, The Fashioner, to Him belong the most beautiful names: all that is in the heavens and all that is on earth, do declare His praises and glory. And He is the Exalted in Might, The Knower. (The Quran 59:24)
Indeed in spring we realize the Divine Quality, Al MUSAWWIR - The Fashioner, The Bestower of Form and Color.
Mujhe Rang De..

Color yourselves in the colors of God, and who is better in coloring than God!
- Final Testament, the Quran 2:138
There is an invitation out there to color ourselves in divine hue and we are taught how, through the transformation and transmutation in the natural world. Such is the world of real alchemy, such is the message from the Master Alchemist. Colour yourself in the Divine Hue!
"Mujhe Rang De" - an adored prayer statement from the Sufis of India, which is also incorporated in many popular songs of India and many sufi Qawwalis. 'Mujhe Rang De' - literally means Color Me. Its an invocation to color our beings with the best of colors, with Divine Color.
Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even King Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.
- 'Isa Messiah (Jesus Christ), upon him be peace


now joyously break
their vow of silence.
It is time for celebration,
not for lying low;
You too - weed out
those roots of sadness from your heart.
The Sabaa wind arrives;
and in deep resonance, the flower
passionately rips open its garments,
thrusting itself from itself.
- Hafiz, English version by Homayun Taba & Marguerite Theophil
via Poetry Chaikhana
Meaning of the Divine Quality: Al Musawwir
Fashioner / The Maker of Harmony / The Perfect Artist
He it is who has created for you all that is on earth, and has applied His design to the heavens and fashioned them into seven heavens; and He alone has full knowledge of everything.
- The Quran 2:29
- The Perfect Artist Who gives everything the most unique and beautiful form is al-Musawwir.
- Allah simply says "Kun" "Be!" and a whole universe becomes.
- "Allah's treasure is between two letters, "Kaf" and "Nun"
- Allah shapes without using a model.
- Everything is an expression of His infinite beneficence and wisdom
- The Creator (Al-Khaliq), Maker of Perfect Harmony (Al-Bari'), and The Shaper of Unique Beauty (Al-Musawwir) form the creative attributes.
- An artists says he "creates" beauty. An engineer "invents" a flying machine. They think they do it themselves. They forget someone else created the brush or the tools for their creation. They ultimately ignore the 'source' and indeed every source has its Singular Source.
- 'abd al-Musawwir (Instrument or Servant of the Real Fashioner) is the maker of things in accordance with the beauty manifest in all that God has created, because no beauty is possible in opposition to the beauty created by Allah or outside of it.
. photo credit: yohosame cameron, spring flowers pool via flickr also, Yoshiko's flower
. Mori Rung do Chunaria Khwaja Piya
. Aaj Rang Hai