There is no other; and what happened, in our world, two thousand years ago is part of the unfoldment of this moment, not that moment but this very instant. It is neither a question of looking back two thousand years nor of trying to recapture the moment in your imagination. All you have to do is to be awake. ...
Your body is the Virgin Mary. The Spirit is Christ, the Word that was conveyed through Gabriel the eternal messenger. The breath is the Breath of the Mercy of God, and it is that breath that quickens the soul. Until the soul is quickened by the Spirit it is like an unfledged bird.
There are many paths to God, but the way of Mary is the sweetest and most gentle. If you can melt into Mary, the matrix, the blueprint of life, the Divine Mother, you will be formed and shaped in Christ and Christ in you, and thus through the breath of God's Mercy you will come into being and know Him. For it is the breath of mercy that bestows being. Every moment God appears in living form, never manifesting twice in the same moment.
Mary brought Jesus into the world because she was chosen to be the one for this work, and so she was trained in the knowledge of birth. It is said that Gabriel, the messenger, appeared to Mary in the form of a man. She thought that he wanter her as a woman, so she froze for a moment, turning to her Lord. If she had not relaxed, then the child born from that moment would have been uncompromising and impossible to live with.
Mary is the Divine Mother. Mary is the blue of the flame, and Mary is the matrix of all divine possibilities in form, here in our world. It is necessary that she be recognized. Learn to love God with all of your being, every part of your self, your heart, your mind, your soul and then we may all be granted the understanding of the meaning of virgin birth. Learn to pray and your prayers will come back from the very matrix that forms the child.
A sufi is called 'the son of the moment.' As you melt each moment into Mary, something is being redeemed that a child may be born, and what is being born is the son of the moment. That child may become God-realized and thus be called a Sufi or he may walk the earth unaware, asleep - not yet human, not conscious of God or of the wonders of His creation, having no knowledge of himself and thus no understanding of love.
Your body is the Virgin Mary - remember this each moment of your life. This is the responsibility that we must take as we come into knowledge, into being.
Mary was chose to bear Jesus because she kept her purity intact. Simple people call this her 'virginity', but those who know understand that to be pure means to be completely adaptable, to flow with each moment, to be like a running stream cascading from the water of life itself. To be pure is to spread joy, and joy is the unfoldment of the knowledge of the perfection of God. ...
The eternal messenger is always within, wanting to unfold the moment through the Word, and one day when Mary is recognized again, there will be a reappearance of Christ, manifested in the outer world. Remember who Mary is, and one day when you are ready, and when God so wills it, you will know what I have told you."
Your body is the Virgin Mary. The Spirit is Christ, the Word that was conveyed through Gabriel the eternal messenger. The breath is the Breath of the Mercy of God, and it is that breath that quickens the soul. Until the soul is quickened by the Spirit it is like an unfledged bird.
There are many paths to God, but the way of Mary is the sweetest and most gentle. If you can melt into Mary, the matrix, the blueprint of life, the Divine Mother, you will be formed and shaped in Christ and Christ in you, and thus through the breath of God's Mercy you will come into being and know Him. For it is the breath of mercy that bestows being. Every moment God appears in living form, never manifesting twice in the same moment.
Mary brought Jesus into the world because she was chosen to be the one for this work, and so she was trained in the knowledge of birth. It is said that Gabriel, the messenger, appeared to Mary in the form of a man. She thought that he wanter her as a woman, so she froze for a moment, turning to her Lord. If she had not relaxed, then the child born from that moment would have been uncompromising and impossible to live with.
Mary is the Divine Mother. Mary is the blue of the flame, and Mary is the matrix of all divine possibilities in form, here in our world. It is necessary that she be recognized. Learn to love God with all of your being, every part of your self, your heart, your mind, your soul and then we may all be granted the understanding of the meaning of virgin birth. Learn to pray and your prayers will come back from the very matrix that forms the child.
A sufi is called 'the son of the moment.' As you melt each moment into Mary, something is being redeemed that a child may be born, and what is being born is the son of the moment. That child may become God-realized and thus be called a Sufi or he may walk the earth unaware, asleep - not yet human, not conscious of God or of the wonders of His creation, having no knowledge of himself and thus no understanding of love.
Your body is the Virgin Mary - remember this each moment of your life. This is the responsibility that we must take as we come into knowledge, into being.
Mary was chose to bear Jesus because she kept her purity intact. Simple people call this her 'virginity', but those who know understand that to be pure means to be completely adaptable, to flow with each moment, to be like a running stream cascading from the water of life itself. To be pure is to spread joy, and joy is the unfoldment of the knowledge of the perfection of God. ...
The eternal messenger is always within, wanting to unfold the moment through the Word, and one day when Mary is recognized again, there will be a reappearance of Christ, manifested in the outer world. Remember who Mary is, and one day when you are ready, and when God so wills it, you will know what I have told you."
- from the conversation of Hamid, the sufi master of Reshad Feild in his spiritual autobiography, The Last Barrier: A Journey into the Essence of Sufi Teachings

Behold! the angels said: "O Mary! Surely Allah has chosen you and purified you - has preferred you above the women of the world. O Mary! keep to obedience to your Lord and humble yourself, and bow down with those who bow. O Mary! Allah gives you glad tidings of a Word from Him: his name will be Messiah Jesus, the son of Mary, illustrious in this world and the hereafter and of those who are brought near unto the Divine. - the Quran 3:42,43,45
interesting to note the Quranic verse above in 3:45 where its said, Jesus is not only made illustrious (other translation puts held in honor, prominent, made manifest, be impressed) in this plane of reality and in that to come, but also to those who are brought to nearness of Divine. Thus a separate category apart from this world and hereafter also points to the esoteric explanation of realized inner self's birthing into Christ, its being honored within by awakened Christ consciousness. Here Christ refers to a mystical state of realization, the threshold where soul can spontaneously witness and taste the ecstasy of the highest Truth, that was witnessed and uttered by historical Christ:
‘I and the Father are One
the Father in me and I in Father.’
Human soul is receptive in nature, which is the feminine aspect. Sufi path of love is essentially feminine because it incorporates longing and receptivity. To fall in Love with Divine "with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind" says Jesus Christ as recorded in Bible, is a feminine quality of loving surrender. Thus each self or human spirit bear witness to its feminine quality of receptiveness, like Mary. The more receptiveness it attains by becoming pure, becoming virgin in the metaphysical language - the more potential it holds to receive the Divine Breath and give birth to a new soul, the Christ. With self-realization and Divine surrender such alchemy of soul happens, light enters into the receptive vessel, it becomes pregnant with love of God and finally gives holy birth to the new self, the Christ.
Although newborn, yet the new self beholds timeless wisdom that comes from true realization. This is the esoteric impression of Quranic verse mentioning Christ's wisdom in his cradle. "He shall speak unto mankind in his cradle and in his manhood, and he is of the righteous." - Quran 3:46. Also it follows, "And Allah teach him the Book and Wisdom, the Law and the Gospel" Quran 3:48 ... the gnosis of Jesus came directly from the Divine, no human teacher transmitted what was transmitted to Jesus. This also points to the esoteric mystery that in reality the Real Teacher has always been the Divine.

[>] Golden Sufi Talk:
Pregnant with God
click here to listen (mp3)
by Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee