. 1 .
tradition has it that all masters
when meeting with aspirant seeker,
with an ancient, ancient question
greet the new comer:
"why are you here?" *
. 2 .
what will you reply
if you were the seeker?
dive in.
grant yourself:
i am here to witness maktub: 'it is written'
the grand secret of the alchemists, the sufis.
'Thy Will' is always done.
we all come here, not by our own will but with His.
we come to participate,
His grand play we witness
where we all are one in oneness.
. 3 .
now here you are,
at the feet of your master!
Rumi says: "He Who has brought me here
will take me back Home."
for a seeker
where else is better home here
but at the feet of master,
who takes us to
The Master Singular.
in absolute reality
Who Alone Exists,
Who always IS.
(c) Sadiq M. Alam
Feb, 2008 | Los Angeles, CA
tradition has it that all masters
when meeting with aspirant seeker,
with an ancient, ancient question
greet the new comer:
"why are you here?" *
. 2 .
what will you reply
if you were the seeker?
dive in.
grant yourself:
i am here to witness maktub: 'it is written'
the grand secret of the alchemists, the sufis.
'Thy Will' is always done.
we all come here, not by our own will but with His.
we come to participate,
His grand play we witness
where we all are one in oneness.
. 3 .
now here you are,
at the feet of your master!
Rumi says: "He Who has brought me here
will take me back Home."
for a seeker
where else is better home here
but at the feet of master,
who takes us to
The Master Singular.
in absolute reality
Who Alone Exists,
Who always IS.
(c) Sadiq M. Alam
Feb, 2008 | Los Angeles, CA
+ dedicated to beloved sufi teacher, Llewellyn Vaughan-Lee +
:: note.
* The traditional question of every Oriental Teacher to an aspirant or a would-be disciple. According to Spiritual Law the human being must clearly state his case himself. (credit)
Maktub is an term used by the alchemist, ancient masters and sufis, meaning "it is written." on the surface it translate as the destiny, but in greater reality it points to the esoteric knowledge that God is the Real Doer, we are instruments, witnessing the leela (the cosmic play of God as it unfolds).
:: Maktub: What does it mean that everything is written?
Explanation of maktub | part1, part2, part3
* The traditional question of every Oriental Teacher to an aspirant or a would-be disciple. According to Spiritual Law the human being must clearly state his case himself. (credit)
Maktub is an term used by the alchemist, ancient masters and sufis, meaning "it is written." on the surface it translate as the destiny, but in greater reality it points to the esoteric knowledge that God is the Real Doer, we are instruments, witnessing the leela (the cosmic play of God as it unfolds).
:: Maktub: What does it mean that everything is written?
Explanation of maktub | part1, part2, part3