Surah Yusuf is the 12th Surah of the Qur’an. It has 111 verses. In this Surah, the story of Prophet Joseph (Yusuf) is narrated. As usual, the Qur’an validates certain Biblical accounts while correcting the errors that were intermingled with the passage of time. And the Sublime purpose of the Book, even in historical accounts, consistently remains enlightenment for the reader.
Prophet Jacob titled Israel, was the son of Isaac and the grandson of Abraham. Jacob had twelve sons from four wives. Joseph the second youngest and Benjamin (Binyamin), the youngest had the same mother (Rachel). Joseph was born about 1700 BC in Hebron, Palestine, and according to the Bible died at the age of 110. There are two mandatory qualities for being a good leader: Sincerity and Competence.
With the Glorious Name of God, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness
God’s command always prevails (al-Ghalib) although most people do not understand (the Law of Cause and Effect). 12:21
God rewards the doers of good to others by bestowing wisdom and knowledge. 12:22
The criminals or wrongdoers do not prosper (in the long term). 12:23
God is the Hearer, the Knower (of all intentions and actions). 12:34
God never waste the reward of the doers of good. 12:56
Sovereignty belongs to none but God alone. 12:67
Lord God is the Most Subtle (al-Lateef) in achieving what He will; He is the All Knowing, the Truly Wise. 12:100
For the believer and God fearing the reward in the life to come is phenomenally better. 12:57, 12:109
And none can repel Divine retribution from the guilty who thrive on the fruit of others’ toil. 12:110
Prophet Jacob titled Israel, was the son of Isaac and the grandson of Abraham. Jacob had twelve sons from four wives. Joseph the second youngest and Benjamin (Binyamin), the youngest had the same mother (Rachel). Joseph was born about 1700 BC in Hebron, Palestine, and according to the Bible died at the age of 110. There are two mandatory qualities for being a good leader: Sincerity and Competence.
With the Glorious Name of God, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all Mercy and Kindness
Metaphysical Truth
Surely, Satan (selfish ego) is man’s open enemy. 12:5God’s command always prevails (al-Ghalib) although most people do not understand (the Law of Cause and Effect). 12:21
God rewards the doers of good to others by bestowing wisdom and knowledge. 12:22
The criminals or wrongdoers do not prosper (in the long term). 12:23
God is the Hearer, the Knower (of all intentions and actions). 12:34
God never waste the reward of the doers of good. 12:56
Sovereignty belongs to none but God alone. 12:67
Lord God is the Most Subtle (al-Lateef) in achieving what He will; He is the All Knowing, the Truly Wise. 12:100
For the believer and God fearing the reward in the life to come is phenomenally better. 12:57, 12:109
And none can repel Divine retribution from the guilty who thrive on the fruit of others’ toil. 12:110
Takeaway / Learning Points
The Method of Truth Communication is Based Upon Insight and Sound Reason
Indeed, We have sent it down as an Arabic Qur’an (in the most eloquent language) so that you might encompass it with your reason / intellect. - 12:2
Say (O Prophet), “This is my way. Resting my call upon reason / insight, I am calling you all to God, I and those who follow me. Glory to God! And I am not one of those who ascribe divinity in any form besides Him.” 12:108
[We do not invite through blind faith, vague dogmas or by stunning your intellect with miracles]
Reality of the Majority
Yet, most of these people will not believe even as you compassionately so desire.
The majority of people do not believe in God without ascribing partners to God / Divine authority. 12:103, 106
Never to Despair from the Grace of God
Never despair God’s grace. 12:87
Prayers of Jacob, father of Joseph
The Chapter contains a number of beautiful prayers / supplications quoted from Prophet Jacob.
fasabrun jameelun
wallahu almustaAAanu
AAala ma tasifoon
So steadfast patience!
God is the One Whose help is sought
upon what you assert. 12:18
alternative translation
But it is best to be patient:
from God alone I seek help
to bear what you are saying. 12:18
fasabrun jameelun
AAasa Allahu anya/tiyanee bihim jameeAAan
innahu Huwa alAAaleemu alhakeem
So, patience is best.
Hopefully, God may bring them all together.
Surely, He is the All-Knowing, All-Wise. 12:83
innama ashkoo baththee wahuzneeila Allahi
waaAAlamu mina Allahi ma lataAAlamoon
I present my distress and anguish only to God
and I know from God what you know not. 12:86
Prayer of Joseph
Rabbi qad ataytanee mina al mulki waAAallamtanee min ta'weeli al-ahadeethi
Fatira as samawati wal-ardi anta waliyyee fee ad-dunya wal-akhirati
tawaffanee musliman
wa alhiqnee bis saliheen
O My Lord! You have bestowed on me some power, and have granted me the insight into events.
O You Originator of the heavens and earth! You are my Protecting Friend in this world and the Hereafter.
Help me remain committed to Your commands until the last breath,
and unite me with those who develop their ‘self’ by doing good to the society. 12:101
+ Most of the translations quoted here are from The Quran as It Explains Itself by Dr Shabbir Ahmed and some from the Quran.com Website