Greetings of Peace!
Welcome to Technology of the Heart, a site dedicated to the Remembrance of the Divine. It is hosted by Sadiq M. Alam as Chief Editor, Researcher and Author.
How to best use this site?
On Technology:
You may browse this site using any standard web browser such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari or Opera. In order to enjoy the music that plays automatically in the background when you view this site, you will need Quick Time installed for most system. Also install Flash if some part of the site says you need plugin.
Email to reach the Editor of the Site: mysticsaint (at) gmail (dot) com
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May the pure peace of Divine Beloved find abode in your heart.
Sadiq my be connected via Facebook @
Welcome to Technology of the Heart, a site dedicated to the Remembrance of the Divine. It is hosted by Sadiq M. Alam as Chief Editor, Researcher and Author.
How to best use this site?
On Technology:
You may browse this site using any standard web browser such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari or Opera. In order to enjoy the music that plays automatically in the background when you view this site, you will need Quick Time installed for most system. Also install Flash if some part of the site says you need plugin.
Email to reach the Editor of the Site: mysticsaint (at) gmail (dot) com
Follow me on Google Plus
May the pure peace of Divine Beloved find abode in your heart.
Sadiq my be connected via Facebook @
O My Lord, forgive me and forgive any showiness of this site. Let this work be for You and for You only. Shower your Infinite Rahma (Grace) on us, on this place and make it sacred and be a recurring source of Your peace. My Lord, with Your Light show us the Truth. Surely You are the Guide, and You show the path to whom You will. Purify our heart, remove the veils of ignorance and let the realization of the Truth make us free. There is none we can turn to forgive, but You.
O Beloved, we can not know You completely, since You can only know Your TrueSelf. But grant us the vision necessary to Love You in a way that pleases You. You are the Infinite Glory, Infinite Majesty and Infinite Love.