Following are few selection of special Du'a / supplications, powerful Signs which also have talismanic qualities, as mentioned from the Book of Guidance - al-Quran by Teacher of the Path, Taher Subhan of Chandanpura, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim
Bali-Llahu Mawlakum wa Huwal Khairun Naseerin ~ Quran 3:150
Rather, Allah is Your Real Guardian and He is the best Helper
Benefit: One who recites this Sign 3 to 5 times daily, by the Will of Allah - his, her honor is to increase, he, she to receive special grace.
WaAllahu 'alamu bi'ada ayikum, wa kafa bi'Llahi waliyyan, wa kafa bi'Llahi Naseera ~ 4:45
And Allah knows your enemies; and Allah is enough as Guardian, and Allah is enough as Helper.
Benefit: In the morning and in the evening if one recites this Sign (4:45) 11 times after reciting the Durood (benediction to Messenger) - by the Will of Allah, protection shall be granted against harm from both identified and unidentified enemies or those who wish or device wrongdoing.
Wama tashaoona illa anyashaa Allahu Rabbu alAAalameen ~ 81:29
And you do not will except that Allah wills - Lord of the multiverse.
Benefit: After Asr (afternoon) and Maghrib (sunset) if ones perform this amal (recite the Signs) 3 times, then difficult works will be made easy. Either recited solitary or in group, this Sign is, by Will of Allah, a protection against enemies.
kammin fiyatin qalitin ghalabat fiyatan kaseeratam bi izni'Llah ~ 2:249
How many a small group has overcome a large group by permission of Allah. And Allah is with the patient.
Benefit: Before and after reciting Durood, if one recites this Sign, at any time, one shall be saved even miraculously against harm of large and powerful group of enemies.
Fa subhana allazee biyadihi malakootu kulli shay-in wa-ilayhi turja'aoon ~ 36:83
Therefore, Glorious is He in whose hand is the realm of all things, and to Him you shall be returned.
Benefit: With the hope to attract the grace of Allah if one reads this Sign 7 times in the morning, and before and after reads Durood 3 times, Allah shall grant such special grace that one can not even fathom. Only by the Will of Allah.
Wa ilahukum ilahun wahid. La ilaha illa Hu ar-Rahmanir Rahim ~ 2:163
And your god is one God. There is no deity except Him, the Universally Merciful, the Exclusively Compassionate.
Benefit: Reciting 11 times will reinvigorate faith and will also bestow good health. Any supplications made shall be granted also by the person who reads this regularly. Can be performed either specially in the morning and evening as well as at any time.
Am abramoo amran fa-inna mubrimoon ~ 43:79
Or have they plotted some plan? Then surely the Divine Being is the (real) planner.
Benefit: To be preserved and safe from committing mistakes and wrong doings, its recommended to recite this Sign in odd numbers.
He said: "I only complain of my grief and sorrow to Allah, and I know from Allah that which you know not."
Benefit: Before every supplication recite 3 times and by Allah's Will your absent dua will also become presented to the Divine Assembly.
Qul in kuntum tuhibboona Allaha fattabiAAoonee yuhbibkumu Allahu wa yaghfir lakum zunoobakum wa Llahu ghafoorun raheem ~ 3:31
Say (O perfected and praised one): If you love Allah, then follow me, Allah will love you and forgive you your faults, and Allah is Ever Forgiving, the Most Merciful.
Benefit: One who recite this in odd numbers whenever possible and ask in supplication, by Divine Will, the door of realizing Divine Grace shall be opened for the supplicant.
Subhana Rabbika Rabbil 'izzati 'amma yasifoon
Wa salamun 'ala-l mursaleen
Walhamdu lillahirabbi alAAalameen ~ 37:180-182
Wa salamun 'ala-l mursaleen
Walhamdu lillahirabbi alAAalameen ~ 37:180-182
Glory be to your Lord, the Lord of Honor, above what they describe.
And peace be on the Messengers,
And all perfect praise and thanksgiving is to Allah, the Lord and Cherisher of the worlds.
Benefit: This Sign when recited before finishing the supplication, that supplication is guaranteed to be accepted. InshaAllah, by the Will of Allah.
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The above Ayats of the Qur'an as supplications are quoted from a booklet by Taher Subhan, titled "Special Du'a and Munajat."
Brief Biography of Taher Subhan
Alhaj Taher Subhan was born 21st March, early 1930s in Chittagong, Bangladesh. . His ancestral lineage from his father's side goes back to Ghawth al-Azam Sheikh MuhiyuddinAbd' al-Qadir Jilaini (radiallahuanhu), and Shah Qutub of Medina (ra.) now resting in Dharmapur, Fatikchari of Chittagong.
He received education in Pakistan, UK, Switzerland on Electrical Engineering, Business Management as well as on Law. He has been a pioneering and successful businessman of then East Pakistan and later Bangladesh.
On 23 July 1976, he placed Bayt with Hazrat Sheikh Mawlana Muhammad Abdul Jabbar (ra.), Shah Qutub of Baitus Sharaf, the khilafay-e-Azam of Hazrat Sheikh Mir Muhammad Akhtor (ra.), who are the descendants of Ghawth al-Azam (RA.) belonging to the Qadiriya Order.
Some of the teaching from his Murshid that he continues to receive guidance from are: "most important feeling is humanism and important faculty is keeping a low profile while spiritual advancement/keramat (taming the egoistic pursuits). You can be socially of high stature but spiritually keep a low profile. It is a favor of Allah. My Murshid always highlighted the verse that says, ‘be thankful for what you got, if you don't, punishment is promised’.
He received education in Pakistan, UK, Switzerland on Electrical Engineering, Business Management as well as on Law. He has been a pioneering and successful businessman of then East Pakistan and later Bangladesh.
On 23 July 1976, he placed Bayt with Hazrat Sheikh Mawlana Muhammad Abdul Jabbar (ra.), Shah Qutub of Baitus Sharaf, the khilafay-e-Azam of Hazrat Sheikh Mir Muhammad Akhtor (ra.), who are the descendants of Ghawth al-Azam (RA.) belonging to the Qadiriya Order.
Some of the teaching from his Murshid that he continues to receive guidance from are: "most important feeling is humanism and important faculty is keeping a low profile while spiritual advancement/keramat (taming the egoistic pursuits). You can be socially of high stature but spiritually keep a low profile. It is a favor of Allah. My Murshid always highlighted the verse that says, ‘be thankful for what you got, if you don't, punishment is promised’.
Spiritual matter is not for demonstration and never to publicly expose your spiritual capability. If it leaks out by means of happening, event or anybody else than you, then that's a different thing. Neither you take pride nor preach spiritualism. Most importantly, you should not feel your spiritual advancement, that is a proprietary right of Allah alone."
He is the guardian of many sacred relics (tabarrukkat) including the holy coverings (gilafs) of some early Prophet shrines - Jarzish, Daniel, Yusha, Ayyub, Shish (alaihimus salam), also coverings of ten famous companions who received the good news of Paradise, Ghawth al-Azam, Khwaja Baba along with varieties of holy relics. Until today, he receives relics from various sources in the most unexpected ways which he uses for supplication (wasila) and protect them from misuse.
At present he lives at 9, Chandanpura, East Lane, Chittagong, Bangladesh. May Allah bless him, preserve his health and give him blessed life both in this world and the next.
He is the guardian of many sacred relics (tabarrukkat) including the holy coverings (gilafs) of some early Prophet shrines - Jarzish, Daniel, Yusha, Ayyub, Shish (alaihimus salam), also coverings of ten famous companions who received the good news of Paradise, Ghawth al-Azam, Khwaja Baba along with varieties of holy relics. Until today, he receives relics from various sources in the most unexpected ways which he uses for supplication (wasila) and protect them from misuse.
At present he lives at 9, Chandanpura, East Lane, Chittagong, Bangladesh. May Allah bless him, preserve his health and give him blessed life both in this world and the next.