When Friends of God are mentioned, Divine mercy Descends
[>] Listen to Shaykh Yahya Rhodus about Shaykh Saggaf
Counsel from Habib 'Abd al-Qadir
When al-Sayyid Salim bin Abdullah al-Hamid requested counsel from Habib 'Abd al-Qadir he wrote the following:
So be avid, my brother, to reach these realms in which you witness the greatness of Allah’s signs. This is to be achieved through inward and outward purity and protecting one’s limbs from committing acts of disobedience. If the slave uses his limbs in the service of his Lord, Allah will protect him from Shaytan: (in Quran its said, the Lord declares) 'truly you (Iblis) have no power over My slaves'.
Fulfill the rights of your parents, your relatives, your spouse, your children, your neighbors and all the people of la ilaha ill’Allah (there is no reality except Divine Reality). Observe the prayer, for in the prayer you give greetings to all the pious slaves of Allah. Thus whoever neglects the prayer neglects the rights of all the people of la ilaha ill’Allah. Perform the sunnas (imitation of the Noble Messenger) and the adhkar (remembrance practice) pertaining to the prayer, because every pious action entails a specific reward and a specific divine gift and connection. Whoever pleases his Lord through serving Him, seeks to draw close to Him by obeying His commands and realizes that he is a slave whose role it is to stand at the door, Allah will enshroud him with the cloak of His love and bring him close until “I become the hearing with which he hears, the vision with which he sees…”
Seek constantly the descent of Allah’s mercy through calling upon Him in a state of brokenness and lowliness, as nothing is more conducive to bringing forth His mercy than the slave’s recognition of His own weakness, and Allah is more merciful to His slaves than a mother is to her child.
You are required to fulfill the rights of Allah and the rights of His slaves and this is only possible firstly by seeking the assistance of Allah and secondly by organizing your time so that you give every individual his or her right. Fulfill the rights of the people of la ilaha ill’Allah by attending funerals, visiting the sick and assisting the helpless. Treat them in the best possible way, as you would love to be treated, because mercy entails mercy and “those who show mercy are shown mercy by the All-Merciful.” (credit)
# Further:
. Biography – Habib Abdul Qadir Al-Saggaf
. Awliyyah: The Friends of Allah
. Causes of Happiness in Both Worlds (Asbab as-Sa’adah fid-Darayn)- an Arabic Discourse by Habib Abdul Qadir Al-Saggaf
. Photos from the Funeral Prayer of Shaykh Saggaf
. The Phrase Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un
. The Reward of Loving Ahlul-Bayt
. Ba'Alawi Sufi Path (Tariqa)
. Ba'Alawi Sadah of Hadramaut
. The Balawi of Hadramaut
# Previous Posts On Death:
. Death | Counsels of a Sufi Master
. On Death | Kahlil Gibran
. Death and the Dervish | tale from a Bosnian Sufi
. Fana and Baqa (Baka) | spiritual death and resurrection
. Bhalaa Hua Meri Mataki Phooti Rey
. a Zen Story of Dying before Death
A great soul, a hidden friend of Allah and spiritual heir of the Holy Prophet, Habib Abd al-Qadir al-Saggaf has returned to His Lord earlier this month.
~ inna li'Llahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un ~
Surely we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return.
~ inna li'Llahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un ~
Surely we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return.
Born in the Hadramawt in 1910 Shaykh Saggaf who was blessed with long life, dedicated it in the service of Allah, the Most Glorious and His Prophet, upon him be peace.The spiritual Emperor of the People of the House and progeny of Alawi (may peace be upon Him) Abdul Qadir al-Saggaf was the son of Ahmad al-Saggaf (may Allah exalt His family). Habib Abd al-Qadir was someone who truly represented the Prophetic character and reached highest level of spiritual ascendancy in the ladder of the friends of Allah. He was the Sheikh of Habib Umar, Habib Ali and Habib Hussein. He had passed on the responsibilities of the Ba'alawi Tariqah to Habib Umar some years ago.
It is no secret that the station of Abdul Qadir al-Saggaf comes through his nearness to the Prophet Muhammad (May Allah bring us nearness to the final messenger in order we may honour him), dedicating his life to the example of the Messenger and gaining connection with his ancestor, the Emissary of God.
A pillar which signifies ones nearness to Allah is humility, and Abdul Qadir al-Saggaf never fell short of this quality. He was renowned for his efforts to make people feel at ease, never feeling comfortable if the people around him were uncomfortable. He respected people, and thus he was respected, he asked for prayer and made sure his guests felt welcome – even his students. A major element of his honour derived from his subservient nature and immense shame before Allah. May Allah exalt the people of humility.
A pillar which signifies ones nearness to Allah is humility, and Abdul Qadir al-Saggaf never fell short of this quality. He was renowned for his efforts to make people feel at ease, never feeling comfortable if the people around him were uncomfortable. He respected people, and thus he was respected, he asked for prayer and made sure his guests felt welcome – even his students. A major element of his honour derived from his subservient nature and immense shame before Allah. May Allah exalt the people of humility.
Al-Habib 'Abd al-Qadir continued his teachings of truth in the Hijaz, travelling between Jeddah and the Sacred Sanctuaries in Saudi Arabia, spreading the knowledge and mercy that he had inherited from his grandfather, the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him.
He finally responded to the call of His Lord before Fajr on 19th Rabi’ Thani 1431/ 4th April 2010. The funeral prayer was the same night in the Masjid al-Haram in Mecca. May Allah shower him in mercy and raise him to the highest of ranks in Paradise. May we continue to benefit by this great vessel of gnosis. We ask Allah the Most Glorious and Possessor of Majestic Bounty to grant him His Choicest Blessings and to count us among those who benefited from him in this world and the next. Amen.
When Friends of God are mentioned, Divine mercy Descends
Follow the link below to hear Shaykh Yahya Rhodus, someone who was honored to sit with Shaykh Saggaf, expresses his condolences on the death of the spiritual luminary and renown scholar. In this recorded audio Shaykh Rhodus shares a brief biography of Habib Abd al-Qadir and gives key insights from his life which provide a glimpse of what it means to be a beautiful human being.
[>] Listen to Shaykh Yahya Rhodus about Shaykh Saggaf
Counsel from Habib 'Abd al-Qadir
When al-Sayyid Salim bin Abdullah al-Hamid requested counsel from Habib 'Abd al-Qadir he wrote the following:
After praising Allah and sending blessings upon the Messenger of Allah he advised him to hold fast to taqwa of Allah (God-Consciousness). He said that the people of taqwa are of varying levels and taqwa itself has no end, since it is in reality a divine outpouring which people receive according to the readiness of their hearts. Those who have attained these stations are with the people with their physical bodies but with Allah with their hearts and souls.
So be avid, my brother, to reach these realms in which you witness the greatness of Allah’s signs. This is to be achieved through inward and outward purity and protecting one’s limbs from committing acts of disobedience. If the slave uses his limbs in the service of his Lord, Allah will protect him from Shaytan: (in Quran its said, the Lord declares) 'truly you (Iblis) have no power over My slaves'.
Fulfill the rights of your parents, your relatives, your spouse, your children, your neighbors and all the people of la ilaha ill’Allah (there is no reality except Divine Reality). Observe the prayer, for in the prayer you give greetings to all the pious slaves of Allah. Thus whoever neglects the prayer neglects the rights of all the people of la ilaha ill’Allah. Perform the sunnas (imitation of the Noble Messenger) and the adhkar (remembrance practice) pertaining to the prayer, because every pious action entails a specific reward and a specific divine gift and connection. Whoever pleases his Lord through serving Him, seeks to draw close to Him by obeying His commands and realizes that he is a slave whose role it is to stand at the door, Allah will enshroud him with the cloak of His love and bring him close until “I become the hearing with which he hears, the vision with which he sees…”
Seek constantly the descent of Allah’s mercy through calling upon Him in a state of brokenness and lowliness, as nothing is more conducive to bringing forth His mercy than the slave’s recognition of His own weakness, and Allah is more merciful to His slaves than a mother is to her child.
You are required to fulfill the rights of Allah and the rights of His slaves and this is only possible firstly by seeking the assistance of Allah and secondly by organizing your time so that you give every individual his or her right. Fulfill the rights of the people of la ilaha ill’Allah by attending funerals, visiting the sick and assisting the helpless. Treat them in the best possible way, as you would love to be treated, because mercy entails mercy and “those who show mercy are shown mercy by the All-Merciful.” (credit)
Read in the Name of Your Lord
Verily! Those who abide in the holy awe of their Lord; and those who believe in the Signs of their Lord, and those who join not anyone in worship as partners with their Lord; and those who give that which they give with their hearts fully aware because they are sure to return to their Lord; it is these who hasten in good work, and they are foremost in them. - The Holy Quran 23:56-60
That is (the Bounty) whereof Allah gives Glad Tidings to His Servants who believe and do righteous deeds. "(O Prophet) tell (people) I don't ask you any wage (in return for my service to you in my messengership) except to love my near kin. And if anyone earns any good We shall give Him an increase of good (in return for it). for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Ready to appreciate (service).
- The Holy Quran 42:23
Verily! Those who abide in the holy awe of their Lord; and those who believe in the Signs of their Lord, and those who join not anyone in worship as partners with their Lord; and those who give that which they give with their hearts fully aware because they are sure to return to their Lord; it is these who hasten in good work, and they are foremost in them. - The Holy Quran 23:56-60
That is (the Bounty) whereof Allah gives Glad Tidings to His Servants who believe and do righteous deeds. "(O Prophet) tell (people) I don't ask you any wage (in return for my service to you in my messengership) except to love my near kin. And if anyone earns any good We shall give Him an increase of good (in return for it). for Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Ready to appreciate (service).
- The Holy Quran 42:23
# Further:
. Biography – Habib Abdul Qadir Al-Saggaf
. Awliyyah: The Friends of Allah
. Causes of Happiness in Both Worlds (Asbab as-Sa’adah fid-Darayn)- an Arabic Discourse by Habib Abdul Qadir Al-Saggaf
. Photos from the Funeral Prayer of Shaykh Saggaf
. The Phrase Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji'un
. The Reward of Loving Ahlul-Bayt
. Ba'Alawi Sufi Path (Tariqa)
. Ba'Alawi Sadah of Hadramaut
. The Balawi of Hadramaut
# Previous Posts On Death:
. Death | Counsels of a Sufi Master
. On Death | Kahlil Gibran
. Death and the Dervish | tale from a Bosnian Sufi
. Fana and Baqa (Baka) | spiritual death and resurrection
. Bhalaa Hua Meri Mataki Phooti Rey
. a Zen Story of Dying before Death