Prayer and love are learned
in the hour
when prayer becomes
..... impossible
and the heart has turned
..... to stone.
- Thomas Merton
Hizb an-Nasr, Orison of Divine Support is a powerful litany inspired by the illuminated heart of gnostic, master of saints, pole of his time, Shaykh Abul Hasan ash-Shadhdhuli, may Allah sanctify his Secret and connect those who love him to his station.
Shaykh A. Nooruddeen Durkee ash-Shadhdhuli, May Allah bless him and give him good health, of Shadhdhuli School, Green Mountain Branch has recommended to recite the highly meritorious Hizb an-Nasr to invoke Allah's help, blessing and guidance for the people of Gaza and for all Palestinians. Indeed it has benefit and concealed secrets in it for those who recite it.
The Hizb an-Nasr can be downloaded and read from the following links via Green Mountain School website.
Repeat the supplication as much as possible, asking Allah to give victory to the people of Palestine, may they be free from perpetual oppression and may they have freedom. If you can, bring people together and recite it together. There were times in Muslim history where that du'a was recited in every city from East.
. History of Hizb an-Nasr
The Hizb an-Nasr was inspired and recited by Shaykh Abu Hassan As-Shadhuli about 800 years ago. This Hizb is called as-Saif as-shadhili (The sword of shadhili). It was written at the time when Shaykh Abu Hassan was fighting against the Crusaders, led by King Louis IX of France. The invading Crusaders were trying to invade through the city of Mansura.
Towards the end of his life, Abul Hasan Shadhili’s eye sight started to become weaker. He was slowly losing his eye sight but it didn’t prevent him from fighting in the front line of the battle of al-Mansurah when the Crusaders forces under King Louis of France invaded Misr (Egypt) in 1250. His age was approximately 54 then.
Shaykh Abul Hasan and many of his muridun (spiritual disciples), friends from amongst the ‘ulama’ (scholars) and awliya (saints of God) upon hearing that the ummah (muslim community) was under attack, immediately made their way to al-Mansurah to fight in the front line seeking Victory or Paradise as Martyr (an Nasr aw al-Jannah).
Here is the recount Shaykh Abul Hasan from the Orison of The School of the Shadhdhuliyyah, volume one:
On the day of the battle he (Shaykh Abul Hasan) mounted his best horse and had one of the muridun hand him up his sword. When he had his sword to hand he asked for another, and with a sword in his right hand and a sword in his left hand he rode into battle. When asked later, given his deteriorating eyesight, how he could have ridden into battle and so honourably acquitted himself on the battle field he simply pointed to his heart saying: “If the eye of the heart sees clearly what need is there for my eyes?” such was his vision.
From the Orison of The School of the Shadhdhuliyyah, volume two we get more clearer picture of the famous battle of Mansurah:
It was Louis IX, King of France, leading the vast combined armies of the Crusaders. The desire of the King was to bring down and subdue Islam in a final decisive battle. The combined forces of the West were fully prepared to attack Misr (Egypt) in a battle that is often compared with the Battle of the Trench (ghazwatul kahndaq).
The shaykh had a profound veridical dream (ru’ya) just before the battle where he was given a vision of a huge tent, an expansive pavilion mounting into the sky, light shone upon it and it was teeming with heavenly people. When asked in the dream, to whom this tent belong, it was said, “To the Prophet of Allah, peace and blessings upon him.” In the later part of the dream the Prophet spoke to Shaykh Abul Hasan and gave him advice. King Louis lost despite superior military power and he was captured in the battle along side with many of his generals. Allah gave the Muslims victory.
This highly potent du'a was also recited across Morocco by the renowned Sufi Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Nasir and inspired resistance to the French Occupation. So powerful was it that the French President had to issue an order banning its recitation from the mosques.
Shaykh A. Nooruddeen Durkee ash-Shadhdhuli, May Allah bless him and give him good health, of Shadhdhuli School, Green Mountain Branch has recommended to recite the highly meritorious Hizb an-Nasr to invoke Allah's help, blessing and guidance for the people of Gaza and for all Palestinians. Indeed it has benefit and concealed secrets in it for those who recite it.
The Hizb an-Nasr can be downloaded and read from the following links via Green Mountain School website.
Repeat the supplication as much as possible, asking Allah to give victory to the people of Palestine, may they be free from perpetual oppression and may they have freedom. If you can, bring people together and recite it together. There were times in Muslim history where that du'a was recited in every city from East.
. History of Hizb an-Nasr
The Hizb an-Nasr was inspired and recited by Shaykh Abu Hassan As-Shadhuli about 800 years ago. This Hizb is called as-Saif as-shadhili (The sword of shadhili). It was written at the time when Shaykh Abu Hassan was fighting against the Crusaders, led by King Louis IX of France. The invading Crusaders were trying to invade through the city of Mansura.
Towards the end of his life, Abul Hasan Shadhili’s eye sight started to become weaker. He was slowly losing his eye sight but it didn’t prevent him from fighting in the front line of the battle of al-Mansurah when the Crusaders forces under King Louis of France invaded Misr (Egypt) in 1250. His age was approximately 54 then.
Shaykh Abul Hasan and many of his muridun (spiritual disciples), friends from amongst the ‘ulama’ (scholars) and awliya (saints of God) upon hearing that the ummah (muslim community) was under attack, immediately made their way to al-Mansurah to fight in the front line seeking Victory or Paradise as Martyr (an Nasr aw al-Jannah).
Here is the recount Shaykh Abul Hasan from the Orison of The School of the Shadhdhuliyyah, volume one:
On the day of the battle he (Shaykh Abul Hasan) mounted his best horse and had one of the muridun hand him up his sword. When he had his sword to hand he asked for another, and with a sword in his right hand and a sword in his left hand he rode into battle. When asked later, given his deteriorating eyesight, how he could have ridden into battle and so honourably acquitted himself on the battle field he simply pointed to his heart saying: “If the eye of the heart sees clearly what need is there for my eyes?” such was his vision.
From the Orison of The School of the Shadhdhuliyyah, volume two we get more clearer picture of the famous battle of Mansurah:
It was Louis IX, King of France, leading the vast combined armies of the Crusaders. The desire of the King was to bring down and subdue Islam in a final decisive battle. The combined forces of the West were fully prepared to attack Misr (Egypt) in a battle that is often compared with the Battle of the Trench (ghazwatul kahndaq).
The shaykh had a profound veridical dream (ru’ya) just before the battle where he was given a vision of a huge tent, an expansive pavilion mounting into the sky, light shone upon it and it was teeming with heavenly people. When asked in the dream, to whom this tent belong, it was said, “To the Prophet of Allah, peace and blessings upon him.” In the later part of the dream the Prophet spoke to Shaykh Abul Hasan and gave him advice. King Louis lost despite superior military power and he was captured in the battle along side with many of his generals. Allah gave the Muslims victory.
This highly potent du'a was also recited across Morocco by the renowned Sufi Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Nasir and inspired resistance to the French Occupation. So powerful was it that the French President had to issue an order banning its recitation from the mosques.
Nasr min Allahi wa fathun Qarib,
wa Bashiril Muminin.
Help is from Allah and Victory is Near.
Give good news to the believers.
- The Quran 61:13
wa Bashiril Muminin.
Help is from Allah and Victory is Near.
Give good news to the believers.
- The Quran 61:13
Please spread the Orison, Hizb an-Nasr to your network, among friends and strangers alike, and receive blessings for your effort. You may recite it for yourself also as it is well known for its talismanic quality by Divine permission.
. Sacred wisdom of Supplication from the saying of the Holy Prophet, blessing upon him and the Qur'an, the Illuminated Guidance
"There is nothing more dear to Allah Ta’ala than a servant making dua (supplication) to him."
[at Tirmidhi]
"Supplication is the essence of Ibadah (worship)."
[at Tirmdhi, Ahmad]
"If you ask, ask Allah and if you seek help, seek help from Allah."
[at Tirmdhi, Ahmad]
"The dua of a Muslim for his brother (in Islam) in his absence is readily accepted, an angel is appointed to his side, whenever he makes a beneficial dua for his brother the appointed angel says "aameen and may you also be blessed with the same".
[Sahih Muslim]
"When a person dies, all his actions come to an end with the exception of three:
1) Sadaqa Jaariyaa, recurring charity,
2) Knowledge from which benefit to humanity continues to be reaped,
3) And the prayers of pious children for him or her."
[Sahih al-Bukhari]
"And when my servants ask you concerning me, [tell them] I am indeed near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls."
[The Quran, Surah al Baqarah; 2:187]
"Invoke your Lord with humility and in secrecy, for God loveth not those who trespass beyond bounds."
[Surah 7:55]
"And your Lord said, invoke me and I will respond to your invocation."
[Surah 40:60]
# Related:
. The history of Shadhdhuli
. Hadiths and Verses on the benefits of du'a
. Hizb al-Nasr, Prayer of Victory
. Real media audio of the Hizb an-Nasr
. mp3 audio and PDF of Hizb an-Nasr
. Freedom for Palestine (youtube)
. The history of Shadhdhuli
. Hadiths and Verses on the benefits of du'a
. Hizb al-Nasr, Prayer of Victory
. Real media audio of the Hizb an-Nasr
. mp3 audio and PDF of Hizb an-Nasr
. Freedom for Palestine (youtube)
. Different Hizbs (Orisons) of Shadhdhuli Tariqa made available via Green Mountain School under the auspice of Shaykh A. Nooruddeen Durkee. The book, Volume One of Orisons contains most of the Hizbs together with other blessed supplications and resources. Look for: The School of the Shadhdhuliyyah, Volume One, Orisons here.