There was a woman who had a son who became blind at an early age. The sorrow of the mother was very profound because her son could not see the colors of flowers, nor the play of clouds against blue sky, nor could play joyfully like how other children played. The heart of the mother was filled with sorrow. One day she heard of a saintly man who had miraculously healed many people.
So one day with great hope the woman brought her blind son to the saintly servant of Allah, who was known as Khawaja Ahmad Jam. About him it was popularly known that he was someone whose supplications would be accepted (mustajab al-d’awah) by Allah. On reaching the humble abode of the saint the mother requested that the saint wipes his hand over her son’s face so he may be cured.
It is said by the Messenger as a way of metaphor that the heart of man is within the fingers of the Merciful. "There is no heart except it is between the two fingers of the Merciful." So the condition and state of heart actually fluctuates over time, over period, over life time.
So when the mother requested the saint at that time the state of servitude (‘ubudiyyah) had overcome him and so, with much humbleness, he said, ‘I do not have the ability.’
The woman insisted and Khawaja Ahmad Jam answered the same. The exchange continued three to four times and when he saw that the woman was not accepting what he was saying, he stood up saying, ‘This work is that of Sayyiduna ‘Isa (Jesus Christ) he would cure the blind and the lepers. As to me, I don’t have the ability.’
The shaykh had only walked a little when it was revealed to him through inspiration (ilham):
On hearing this, Khawaja Ahmad Jam turned around and saying mami kunyam, mami kunyam wiped his hands over the boy’s face and he was cured by the Grace of God.
After narrating this story, one of the knower of Allah said, “Foolish people may think that he is saying mami kunyam from himself. This is not, however, his speech, is but the speech of the Almighty. When one hears a beautiful poem, then one repeats it and takes pleasure from it. Likewise, he was repeating the Almighty’s word mami kunyam on account of the pleasure of that ilham.”
On this subject great scholar Mawlana Ashraf ‘Ali Thanawi writes: “Regarding his saying, ‘But the speech of the Almighty…’ I say that this is the best interpretation of Mansur al-Hallaj’s saying, ‘I am the truth (ana al-haqq).’”
All day I think about it,
then at night I say it.
Where did I come from,
and what am I supposed to be doing?
I have no idea.
My soul is from elsewhere,
I'm sure of that,
and I intend to end up there.
This drunkenness
began in some other tavern.
When I get back around
to that place,
I'll be completely sober.
Meanwhile, I'm like a bird
from another continent,
sitting in this aviary.
The day is coming when I fly off,
but who is it now in my ear
who hears my voice?
Who says words with my mouth?
Who looks out with my eyes?
What is the soul?
I cannot stop asking.
If I could taste
one sip of an answer,
I could break out
of this prison for drunks.
I didn't come here of my own accord,
and I can't leave that way.
Whoever brought me here
will have to take me home.
This poetry,
I never know
what I'm going to say.
I don't plan it.
When I'm outside the saying of it,
I get very quiet
and rarely speak at all.
- Jelal'uddin Rumi - 13th century Sufi mystic and poet
From The Essential Rumi, Translated by Coleman Barks
Listen to this Beautiful Poem recited by Coleman Barks himself
# Related on the Subject of Healing:
* Spiritual Energy Healing in the Sufi Way
* Spiritual Healing in Islamic Sufi Tradition
* Ephphatha | Healing of Christ and Sufi Invocation
* To heal is to become one with the Deep Love of God | from a conversation with Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe
* Abdul Hamid Khan | Tribute to a Silent Sufi Dervish & Healer
* University of Spiritual Healing & Sufism
There was a woman who had a son who became blind at an early age. The sorrow of the mother was very profound because her son could not see the colors of flowers, nor the play of clouds against blue sky, nor could play joyfully like how other children played. The heart of the mother was filled with sorrow. One day she heard of a saintly man who had miraculously healed many people.
So one day with great hope the woman brought her blind son to the saintly servant of Allah, who was known as Khawaja Ahmad Jam. About him it was popularly known that he was someone whose supplications would be accepted (mustajab al-d’awah) by Allah. On reaching the humble abode of the saint the mother requested that the saint wipes his hand over her son’s face so he may be cured.
It is said by the Messenger as a way of metaphor that the heart of man is within the fingers of the Merciful. "There is no heart except it is between the two fingers of the Merciful." So the condition and state of heart actually fluctuates over time, over period, over life time.
So when the mother requested the saint at that time the state of servitude (‘ubudiyyah) had overcome him and so, with much humbleness, he said, ‘I do not have the ability.’
The woman insisted and Khawaja Ahmad Jam answered the same. The exchange continued three to four times and when he saw that the woman was not accepting what he was saying, he stood up saying, ‘This work is that of Sayyiduna ‘Isa (Jesus Christ) he would cure the blind and the lepers. As to me, I don’t have the ability.’
The shaykh had only walked a little when it was revealed to him through inspiration (ilham):
‘Who are you? Who is ‘Isa (Jesus) and who is Musa (Moses)? Turn around and wipe your hand over his face. You are not able to cure and nor is ‘Isa. It is We, the Divine Authority Who do it (mami kunyam).’
On hearing this, Khawaja Ahmad Jam turned around and saying mami kunyam, mami kunyam wiped his hands over the boy’s face and he was cured by the Grace of God.
After narrating this story, one of the knower of Allah said, “Foolish people may think that he is saying mami kunyam from himself. This is not, however, his speech, is but the speech of the Almighty. When one hears a beautiful poem, then one repeats it and takes pleasure from it. Likewise, he was repeating the Almighty’s word mami kunyam on account of the pleasure of that ilham.”
On this subject great scholar Mawlana Ashraf ‘Ali Thanawi writes: “Regarding his saying, ‘But the speech of the Almighty…’ I say that this is the best interpretation of Mansur al-Hallaj’s saying, ‘I am the truth (ana al-haqq).’”
All day I think about it,
then at night I say it.
Where did I come from,
and what am I supposed to be doing?
I have no idea.
My soul is from elsewhere,
I'm sure of that,
and I intend to end up there.
This drunkenness
began in some other tavern.
When I get back around
to that place,
I'll be completely sober.
Meanwhile, I'm like a bird
from another continent,
sitting in this aviary.
The day is coming when I fly off,
but who is it now in my ear
who hears my voice?
Who says words with my mouth?
Who looks out with my eyes?
What is the soul?
I cannot stop asking.
If I could taste
one sip of an answer,
I could break out
of this prison for drunks.
I didn't come here of my own accord,
and I can't leave that way.
Whoever brought me here
will have to take me home.
This poetry,
I never know
what I'm going to say.
I don't plan it.
When I'm outside the saying of it,
I get very quiet
and rarely speak at all.
- Jelal'uddin Rumi - 13th century Sufi mystic and poet
From The Essential Rumi, Translated by Coleman Barks
Listen to this Beautiful Poem recited by Coleman Barks himself
# Related on the Subject of Healing:
* Spiritual Energy Healing in the Sufi Way
* Spiritual Healing in Islamic Sufi Tradition
* Ephphatha | Healing of Christ and Sufi Invocation
* To heal is to become one with the Deep Love of God | from a conversation with Dr. Ibrahim Jaffe
* Abdul Hamid Khan | Tribute to a Silent Sufi Dervish & Healer
* University of Spiritual Healing & Sufism