Shall man have anything but what he strives for?
That (the fruit of) his striving will soon come in sight: Then will he be rewarded with a reward complete;
That to thy Lord is the Ultimate Goal (wa anna ila Rabbika al Muntaha). - the Quran, Chapter of the Star
The following note (numbered 2 part) might be brief in length, but comes from direct experience and in very few words describe some of the modality of transmission that happens, as it happen in a Sufi group, in the presence of Teacher and his students and their striving towards the Goal. Please understand that even though this method is now called sufi method or described using sufistic language simply because it is the Sufi Mystics who primarily have preserved this living tradition, but this has always been the Way, the modality of how the great illuminated beings have transmitted their teachings among their circle of intimate companions who have continued the light to become shepherd of truth, the guides, the door keeper of pure gnosis. This is how Master Teacher Jesus transmitted to his disciples, as well as how disciples have received from each other by attuning themselves. This is how Grand Mystic Muhammad transmitted to his companions, as well as how the companions themselves received from each other and passed down to their spiritual successors.
Exchange from a Mystical School
Divine Intellect is needed to even comprehend 'the need to be with' a true human being
- Maqalat e Shams e Tabriz, Conversation of Shams with Rumi
That (the fruit of) his striving will soon come in sight: Then will he be rewarded with a reward complete;
That to thy Lord is the Ultimate Goal (wa anna ila Rabbika al Muntaha). - the Quran, Chapter of the Star
The following note (numbered 2 part) might be brief in length, but comes from direct experience and in very few words describe some of the modality of transmission that happens, as it happen in a Sufi group, in the presence of Teacher and his students and their striving towards the Goal. Please understand that even though this method is now called sufi method or described using sufistic language simply because it is the Sufi Mystics who primarily have preserved this living tradition, but this has always been the Way, the modality of how the great illuminated beings have transmitted their teachings among their circle of intimate companions who have continued the light to become shepherd of truth, the guides, the door keeper of pure gnosis. This is how Master Teacher Jesus transmitted to his disciples, as well as how disciples have received from each other by attuning themselves. This is how Grand Mystic Muhammad transmitted to his companions, as well as how the companions themselves received from each other and passed down to their spiritual successors.
Thanks to fellow seeker of the Sufi Path and a guest contributor to this site, Stewart Bitkoff, may his journey be blessed, for sending this for sharing with us all. In his note he mentioned, "it is a very good description of the student/teacher interchange that takes place in the mystical school. It is an excellent first hand account, and is very similar to what we experienced." May it bring benefit and wisdom to us.
Exchange from a Mystical School
After following indications of the theoretical dynamic behind traditionalistic meditation activity, it was when I was studying with Gulbaz Khan of Kalat (Baluchistant) that I came across what might be termed a developed theory of pupil-teacher meditation. This is attributed to the remotest antiquity; though why it should be claimed that it was practiced by ‘Noah, Joseph, Jesus, Elias and Salman the Persian’ especially, I cannot say.
In summary, the theory holds that there is a certain element in the human being which strives toward perfection. This element (Nafs-i-Haqiqa = the True Being) will attach itself to anything - men, objects, ideas - in the hope of finding some conductor which will bring it to ‘maturity’ (Pukhtagi).
When it comes into contact with a correct source of conduction - a teacher, it feeds itself for a time on his knowledge. This is the phase of attachment to a teacher. If the teacher accepts the pupil, he will first of all teach interchange concentration exercises. In these the mutual bond is strengthened. The next step is for the teacher to induce students to interchange with one another, which they do by meeting regularly and all taking an interest in some common theme. They may think they are learning something from that theme. In fact, they are becoming attuned to one another. Next comes the phase in which pupils are able to spend some time, at will, interchanging with the teacher and with one another. When this stage has been reached, they have attained a form of directing capacity over their spiritual life. The next form of meditation is when different subjects of meditation are given to each student [different wazifa, wird, remembrance practices, Divine Names, supplication, image]. Now each has three types of practice. After that comes the succession of meditation.
The whole community following signals from the teacher or his deputy (Khalifa) first collect themselves [gather in small circles], then meditate upon themselves, then upon the teacher, then upon an object or idea [often conveyed in parable teachings], then upon the private objects or ideas [bringing image from the realm of unseen, alam al mithal]. In this way, it is believed by the mystics of the Chisti, Qadiri and other schools, the human capacity for connection with superior cognition [gnosis, marefa] is practiced and brought to fruition.
- The writer, Mir S Khan, is of nomadic extraction. He has made sociological studies of the Berbers and Afghan Kochis and is a member of several Sufi Orders.
From “New Research on Current Philosophical Systems.” This piece appears in Robert Cecil, Richard Rieu, David Wade, The King’s Son, The Octagon Press for The Institute for Cultural Research, 1981, London, pgs. 152-153.
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Infographic: A draft model (working version) of Mystic Way of Learning (click on image to enlarge) |
Divine Intellect is needed to even comprehend 'the need to be with' a true human being
That which keep people away from seeking the presence of refined people, their company is the lack of longing, absence of refined intellect. Capacity is what is lacking here. There needs to be a capacity to receive, an openness and an opening. And beside that, there needs to be freedom from the ten thousand things of this earthly life, only then tree will bear fruit. Those who meet with sincere thirst for truth, even if they be imperfect, their meeting will not fail. Where is hope for them who are in slumber and don't have a chance in hell that they will wake up before their deep regret for losing every opportunity that passed by?
There is no doubt that whoever you associate with or get attached to, you will acquire his characteristics. Keep looking at a straw, you will become pale because of its paleness; look at the grass and the flowers, you will feel fresh and light; for the companion attracts you in his own world.
Man has two qualities: One is (his) need. Through this quality, he hopes and he has his eyes on reaching the goal. The other quality is being without a need. What hope can you have from being without need? What is the utmost end of a need? Finding what has no needs! What is the ultimate end of seeking? Finding what is sought. What is the ultimate end of the sought? Finding the seeker!
Find a true seeker.
Man has two qualities: One is (his) need. Through this quality, he hopes and he has his eyes on reaching the goal. The other quality is being without a need. What hope can you have from being without need? What is the utmost end of a need? Finding what has no needs! What is the ultimate end of seeking? Finding what is sought. What is the ultimate end of the sought? Finding the seeker!
Find a true seeker.
- Maqalat e Shams e Tabriz, Conversation of Shams with Rumi