His disciples said, "Master, who seeks and who reveals?"
The master said, "One who seeks (also reveals)."
Matthew said to him, master, "When I listen to you and speak, who is it who speaks and who listens?
The master said, "One who speaks also listens, and one who can see also reveals."
- The Dialogue of the Savior *

Who I am
you will know when I go.
What I am seen to be now
I am not.
What I am
you will see when you come.
- The Spiral Dance of the Cross (the Hymn of Jesus) **
* From the 5th tractate in Codex III of the Nag Hammadi Library, Dead Sea Scrolls). The Dialogue of the Savior is partly preserved in Coptic translation. Scholars believe that it might have been written down around early 2nd century. It deals with mostly esoteric subject matter and mystical dialogue between Jesus and his inner disciples Judas Thomas the Twin, Matthew and Mary of Magdala.
** From Acts of John 94-96. The Spiral Dance (also called The Round Dance) of the Cross, or the Hymn of Jesus is a song Jesus is said to have taught his disciples before he was crucified. Its included within the Acts of John. The textual history of the Acts of John is complex, but it is commonly assumed that the Acts of John was composed in the 2nd half of the 2nd century, or perhaps a little later.
- From The Gnostic Gospels of Jesus by Marvin Meyer
** From Acts of John 94-96. The Spiral Dance (also called The Round Dance) of the Cross, or the Hymn of Jesus is a song Jesus is said to have taught his disciples before he was crucified. Its included within the Acts of John. The textual history of the Acts of John is complex, but it is commonly assumed that the Acts of John was composed in the 2nd half of the 2nd century, or perhaps a little later.
- From The Gnostic Gospels of Jesus by Marvin Meyer
3. The Father and The Son
You are both, the Father and the Son,
the Sugar and the Sugarcane.
- Rumi
4. Drawing Near
God the Most High and Sublime says: My servant draws not near to Me with anything more loved by Me than the enjoined duties of the Path, and My servant continues to draw near to Me with supererogatory devotions so that I shall love him. When I love him I Become his hearing with which he hears, his seeing with which he sees, his hand with which he strikes and his foot with which he walks.
- Sacred Hadith of the Prophet (related in al-Bukhari)
- Sacred Hadith of the Prophet (related in al-Bukhari)
5. Into Itself
Neither subject nor object, neither seer nor seen, Awareness is a flame which glows into itself. For those who have the eyes, for those who wish to see, it opens its heart and shows into itself. Neither here nor there, its home is nowhere. Like a wind it blows and blows into itself. Beginning with a drop in each moment of Creation, it soon becomes a river that flows into itself. From where does it come and to where does it go? Like a breath it comes and goes into itself. To nothing does it submit, 'cause nothing's other than it. To itself it bows, as it bows to itself.
- Ali Ansari
# Previous & Related:
. Spiral Dance and Hymn of Jesus
. God alone Is
. I AMness
. Phantom i and Real I
. The Threshold
. Spiral Dance and Hymn of Jesus
. God alone Is
. I AMness
. Phantom i and Real I
. The Threshold