God is the Ultimate Reality.
The old fashioned religion(s) have created various distorted lenses for a long term to corrupt human consciousness and awareness of Godhead (the nature of God) and Reality of God. This has affected our direct relationship with God and much fog has been generated over time.
So much so that man has moved millions of light years away from God and finds himself lost in life. Lost both in terms of man's place in the creation, God's purpose, God's actions and man's ultimate destiny.
Once the fog is cleared, a fresh awareness about the Nature of God must be raised. A new clarity often come through discarding the old fashioned understanding about the nature of God.
Man's understanding of the nature of Reality is affected by his language. Thus new awareness and paradigm give birth to new language(s) around the consciousness of Godhead. The realized human beings of later age thus often prefer the unbiased language.
With new clarity, when one see God as the Ultimate Reality, as the very Fabric through which everything is - the very Is-ness of all, the "I AM" - then our relationship with God is bound to change.
Everything is Energy, God HimSelf is Source Energy.
In the traditional sense, our orientation towards God is actualized through Prayer, through Supplication. How else would man turn to God except in Supplication and Prayer?
Since we have become so disconnected with the awareness of God, that our Prayer and Supplication often feels like unanswered. But this is a false perception.
False perception because the Most Generous God always, always, always answer our Prayers and Supplication. We don't have the vision and wisdom to realize this. Sometime these Prayers are answered in different ways than what our limited mind can imagine or wish for.
From the perspective of new paradigm, the answer of Prayer and Supplication can be reinterpreted as affecting the reality.
If we rephrase the old question of how to pray so that our prayers are answered by God - it can be explored as how to affect the reality through prayer and meditation?
Invoking the Ultimate Reality through its Various Dimensions
In order to affect the Reality one of the method suggested here is to Invoke the Ultimate Reality, God by the Holy Names which carries the Qualities / Attributes about which the supplication is made.Through the ages God has disclosed His Reality in various Revelation, namely Gita, Psalms, Torah, Gospel and Quran. The Self Disclosure of God carries His Holy Names. For example in Hebrew tradition there are 72 names of God. In Muslim tradition there are 99 names of God.
See 72 Names of G-d and Names of God in Judaism
See Names of God in Islam
For example, one of the Quality of the Ultimate Reality is Generosity.
If we wish to supplicate for something that has to do with generosity or lack of it, abundance or lack of it - then the Holy Name of God carrying Abundance can be invoked in the supplication.
O the Most Generous, by Your Infinite Generosity please bless my life with abundance both within and without and include me among Your grateful servants.
Another example is:
O Turner of the Heart (Muqallib al-qulub), please turn the heart of my loved ones towards me.
Self Disclosure of God in the Quran
In the revelation of the Quran, the Self Disclosure of the Divine Reality is the most frequent. If you read the Quran in its original language or in any standard translation in your own language, you will find that very frequently God is disclosing His Attributes.You will notice that once a theme is discussed, towards the end of that theme, the revelation inevitably ends with a Self Disclosure of God.
Some of these examples are:
God is the Free of need, the Praiseworthy. 57:24
Indeed, God is Powerful and Exalted in Might. 57:25
.. All bounty is in the hand of God; He gives it freely to whom He wills. And God is the possessor of Great Bounty. 57:29
“Be still and know God.”
- Psalm 46:10When we turn our entire being towards the Ultimate Reality, when we still our mind and free it from the random distraction of the mind, when we concentrate our mind in prayer and meditation - that is the first bit.
The second bit is to invoke the Holy Name of the Ultimate Reality that contains the very seed of the consciousness that we are invoking in the form of Prayer and Supplication - these two combined are the secret of affecting the reality by the help of the Ultimate Reality.
May God helps us know Him, give us the capacity and inclination to turn to Him frequently, so much so that our heart be in constant remembrance and attachment with Godly awareness, and may our heart sing His praise through our existence and may all our inspired and beautiful inspirations be heard by God and be part of the His Reality. By God's permission, so be it.
Sadiq M. Alam
15 Feb 2019
Mirpur, Dhaka