There are three stages in the development of human consciousness. The first stage is Subconscious Knowledge. Driven by instinct and emotions, this is the state of ancient man.
The second stage is Conscious Knowledge. It is characterized by the quest for knowledge and information. This is the state of modern man.
The third stage is Super-Consciousness Knowledge. This is the state of intuition, surrender, present-moment awareness. This is the state of human consciousness now evolving.
You are living at a time when stage two is coming to closure and stage three is being born. The entrance into stage three calls for a different way of living individually and collectively. It calls for a repudiation of the controlling mind and an understanding of the utter futility of its creations.
Living in fear, the ego-mind seeks safety, but never finds it. Because it never investigates its own fear, it is unconsciously driven by it. It projects its fear on every person or situation it encounters. All relationship dramas stem from the mutual projection of fear.
If you want to awaken, fear must be faced. It must be made conscious. Facing your fears brings the darkness to the light and ends the split between ego and spirit. The light that comes when darkness has been fully explored is not the same light that was there when darkness was pushed away.
In stage one, you reject the darkness because you are afraid of it. In stage two you push it away by trying to explain it. And in stage three, you embrace the darkness and integrate it.
In stage one, man is ignorant of God. The Old Testament is the teaching for stage one man. It says: "Do this or God will punish you!" It is fear based at the deepest emotional level. That is why God destroys whole cities in his wrath. The message to man is, "become aware of God outside of you."
In stage two, man is aware of God but still separate from him. The New Testament is the teaching for stage two man. It says: "God is not vengeful. He loves you and asks you to come and embrace his teaching. Your life will be happier if you make room for God in your life." Stage two teachings focus on what you will miss if you keep God out of your life. It is the teaching of persuasion, still based on fear and separation.
My teaching (original, unchanged teachings of Jesus) was always a stage three teaching. I told you, "the kingdom of heaven is within" and you must find God in your own heart.
However, when the stage three teaching is heard by stage two ears, the result is a stage two interpretation of that teaching.
Now this is changing. You are beginning to hear the teaching as it was originally intended. You are in communion with me in your daily lives. You are coming to the realization that a great deal of what you have been taught about me and my teaching is false and must be rejected. You know now that you must find me in your heart and in the uniqueness of your own experience.
- From The Silence of the Heart by Paul Ferrini