Selection from Songs without Names by Spiritual Teacher, Author, Philosopher and Poet Frithjof Schuon (1907–1998). These poems carry beauty, inspiration and wisdom about the Ultimate Reality or God.
Fana and Baqa — Extinction and Permanence
Thus do the Sufis describe our spiritual state
With regard to God; firstly vacare Deo *
And then the jewel attained by gnosis.
In Pure Being there was a possibility,
That said: Give me existence in time.
Existence was granted, and there was my ego;
I said: Thou art my God, now guide me.
God said to me: thou art my image,
And thou art free; say yes to the Way —
The Way to Me; this is the meaning of existence.
I saw that I am the mirror of the Godhead.
Beyond-Being, Being, Existence, I — toward the Most High;
Toward the inmost heart, beyond I and thou.
If one wishes to walk happily on the straight path,
One should perceive the beauty of the True and the Good —
Never forget Plato’s words, that the True
Radiates the beautiful, the luminous, the wonderful.
Space and time: ether and energy;
These are not empty, and cannot be so.
Ether contains and energy renews;
Thus the world expands, yet it is but appearance.
Thou art a part of it — and God knows how.
If thou speakest with God, and if thine intention is pure —
When thou dreamest not, and thinkest not of this and that —
Then it is God who pronounces His Name,
And makes thee direct thine inmost core toward Him.
An event, and not only words,
Is often the speech of the Lord. In order to raise us up,
The Most High tries us with the drink of experience —
One must experience what one has to understand.
Someone saw the Name of God a thousand times
At the same moment — how is this possible, given that God is one?
It is like when early sunlight falls
On the rippling surface of a lake.
There is no multiplicity in God — there is Infinity,
Which, in maya, is refracted a thousandfold;
The soul has consecrated its all to the Lord.
Divine wisdom, poetry, music,
And feminine beauty are profoundly linked.
Their essence is Truth and Love;
They are nourishment for the Spirit and joy for the soul.
Wisdom blossoms in a wondrous way;
Precious is poetry that points to the Truth;
Noble music is a journey to Heaven;
And beauty is a symbol that leads us to God.
How is it possible, that, in the midst of life,
Man can feel sad, even though he is happy?
This can happen because, without knowing it,
He misses Paradise in his everyday happiness.
Man is not made for this world;
Be not astonished thereat, and be on guard!