Someone asked, in the Quran it reads in 17th Chapter, 81th Sign:
"Truth has come, and falsehood has departed. Indeed is falsehood, [by nature], ever bound to depart."
Does that mean all that leave by your side are things of falsehood?
Word by Word, the Revelation as example above reads:
jaa - Has come
al-haqqu - the truth
wa zahaqa - and perished
al-batilu - the falsehood.
inna - indeed
al-batila - the falsehood
kana - is
zahuqan - to perish.
The word BATALA - stands for - to nullify, to become vain, to render in vain, prove to be false, worthless.
The fabric of the reality is multidimensional. This Sign of the Qur'an also has multidimensional meanings.
From the highest vantage point, only God is Real, every thing else related to God is unreal. Can the tiny candle stand a chance in front of a Glowing Star ten thousand times bigger in size and intensity than our known Sun? Everything other than God is thus unreal, becomes annihilated, becomes nullified of its separate existence. Hence from that perspective anything other than Real is indeed vanishing away, always.
Keeping that perspective in mind we can also possibly appreciate that the existence of all things are only temporal, ephemeral, bound to decay and destruction, must annihilate at the end. The only existence they have because the Sustainer (ar-Rabb) is giving sustenance to it, for a limited period of time, and that is the only reason for its existence. Independent of God it has no existence. All things are thus dependent on the Lord of Sustenance, ar-Rabb. All such existence, including human beings with their ten billion made up personalities are bound to perish because they too are unreal in relation to the Real.
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Ephemeral existence only exist for a tiny fraction of moments, then they vanish into nothingness, returning to the Source |
Now from another perspective, that is our perspective, from the perspective of heaven and earth (this creation), God says in the Qur'an that everything in the creation is created with truth (bil-haqq). Here the pronoun bi or with provide a number of meanings including 'with truth' or also 'with purpose.'
Have you not seen that Allah created the heavens and the earth in truth?
~ Qur'an 14:19
So from Quranic communication, the paradox is, even the creation is created with truth and with purpose. It doesnt just categorically ask us to reject the creation as unreal or as maya or illusion, instead it uses the very term haqq, one of the Name of Allah (al-Haqq) to point to the Immanence of God.
Just as every quality of God is absolute so is the quality of Divine nearness. So from that perspective the Nearness of God to every object also lend them the quality of truth. Thus whatever we see around us reflect the truthfulness of the Grand Truth, al-Haqq.
So from this perspective, it would be not the best adab to say everything that leave from our side are falsehood. Its more proper etiquette to describe them as temporal or momentary than falsehood. There are elements of truth in everything including those who come and leave from our side- its better that we appreciate for what it is.
This is why the Messenger used to supplicated thus: "O Allah show me reality as they truth are."
When any one of us want to use our mind to understand the subtleness of the reality of existence, we have to come to terms with paradoxes. The paradoxes are facets of truth existing simultaneously that apparently seem to be contradictory. A generic example would be a glass half empty, half full. They are true at the same time but appear to be contradictory if taken separately. Paradoxes are contradictory only on the level of the mind, not on the level of heart and higher realms such as level of soul. We need an unified vision to understand the paradoxes. Tawhid is necessary. A continuum between seen world and unseen is possible through Tawhid, through Unity.
Example of such paradoxes are:
God is Nearmost and yet We are Far from God.
God is Loving and yet God is Severe in Punishment to Purify.
There is Divine Spark within Us (Soul) and yet We are Not God.
Our body will die and yet Soul will not die.
God is Hidden (Batin) and yet God is Manifest (Zahir).
If you look for God, you can't find Him; yet those who found God, found only through seeking.
La ilaha - illa Allah (No god but God).