Two of our Porshee School Student + Volunteer |
Inform those of My servants who believe that they should establish Prayer and spend out of what We have provided them with, both secretly and openly, before there arrives the Day when there will be no bargaining, nor any mutual befriending. ~ Message of the Qur'an 14:31
Those who spend (in noble cause) privately or publicly, by night and day, have their reward with their Lord. And (on the Day of Resurrection) they shall neither fear nor grieve. ~2:274
And spend [in the way of Allah ] from what We have provided you before death approaches one of you and he says, "My Lord, if only You would delay me for a brief term so I would give charity and be among the righteous." ~ 63:10
Dear Friends and Well Wishers,
Like other years, this year also in this Ramadan, when the Ramadan is departing us and the occasion of Happiness, Eid Celebration is dawning, I would like to appeal and reminder to those who are thinking about Zakat contribution or general Sadaqa (Charity), that we at Porshee Foundation are collecting contributions and charity.
We primarily support the most poor, vulnerable, orphans and other disadvantage groups in society here in Bangladesh. In the past our scope of work spanned across a number of activities such as donation of clothing during winter, education for poor, providing emergency medical aid to those who cannot afford it, giving interest free loan or help people free from debt etc.
The vision of Porshee foundation (the word Porshee means neighbors) is to help those in near proximity, people who are in reach and need help. We envision communities and societies where every able neighbor cares for those in need in the surroundings – acting locally, empowered globally based on the universal value of ‘small kindness’ and ‘loving for others what one love for one’s self.’
Why you may donate here? Porshee Foundation is a very small, seeding organization that is run entirely by volunteers and thus its administration cost is next to zero. We do not have fancy office, neither do our executives take any salary from this work. All donation along with contribution from our volunteers goes to the beneficiaries We strive to take 100% of your donation to the beneficiaries.
Below are two of our latest works briefly highlighted.
The Establishment of Porshee Digital Lab - Bridging the Digital Divide
One of our recent success was setting up a Computer Training Lab in a remote village in Bangladesh. Our goal was to minimize the digital divide between those who have access to opportunities and resources and those who don't have. The young population of villages often don't get enough exposure to digital technology which puts them into great disadvantage when competing in job market at the end of their education. So we teamed up with a team in Arjuna Village of Tangail, Bangladesh and established our first Porshee Digital Lab.
It has been a success since and both young men and women now come to the village to learn computer and practice their theoretical knowledge in the lab. The lab is also helping the to be established college to earn some revenues as well. This would not be possible without your contribution and support.
The Establishment of Porshee Informal School
Porshee General Secretary at School |
Since this year May we have managed to rent our own one-room school for slum children. It is an informal school which provide education to 'easy to drop out students' living in the slum and coming from economically challenged families and also to those who have yet to admit to school. Along with education for the children we time to time offer various assistance to the family including Ramadan food distribution where each family were given daily groceries as well as we distributed new clothes to the children.
Other activities of Porshee Foundation are updated on Facebook: Porshee Foundation.
In this fund raising appeal we wish to remind you that any amount from you is a big contribution. Since we work in a third world country, even $1 to $5 USD means enough to buy education material for a underprivileged kid that may last for 2 to 3 months, $10 USD means a new cloth, $100 means covering all cost for an entire month of Porshee School. With this is mind, I would like to request your generous contribution, no matter what amount it may be towards the activities of Porshee.
Thanking you in advance,
Sadiq M. Alam
President and Founder
Porshee Foundation
To Donate please use the button below for Paypal or you may contact me at: [email protected] for alternative payment methods such as bank transfer in USA, UK, Canada or Bangladesh for example.
Click here to Donate:
The believer's (only) shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity.
- The Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him
There are some servants of God on the Earth who struggle to fulfill the needs of other people. They will be saved on the Resurrection Day.
- Imam Jafar as Sadiq
* To Learn More About Porshee, visit