This material world of ours is like a drop compared to the ocean of the unseen world.
It is related that a person died and His Holiness Muhammad, peace be upon him, offered his funeral prayer and went to his grave. Then after performing his funeral rites His Majesty, peace be upon him, returned home where his wife Ayesha, God be pleased with her, rose to receive him. When she touched the blessed turban of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, she said: "Surprisingly enough, your turban and clothes are wet with rainwater, though it never rained today."
The Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, understood that Ayesha, God be pleased with her, had perceived and seen the water of the unseen world. Then he enquired: 'O Ayesha! What is it that you have covered your head with today?' His Wife replied, 'Today I have covered my head with your blessed chador (a piece of clothing).' His Holiness said that by virtue of his chador the veils had been lifted on her sight and she had seen the water of the unseen rain on his clothes.
'O Ayesha! There are the heavens, the earth, the sun, the moon, stars and rain in the unseen world which nobody can perceive except perfect Aulia Allah (Friends of Allah/Saints).'
The unseen world and the world of objects are inter-woven and connected like our soul and body are blended and interpenetrated. The hard-hearted people deem this world and the flesh of our body the be-all and end-all, and they are totally unaware of the subtle unseen beings of the heart and spirit and their unseen domain.
The subtle unseen beings of the heart and spirit are hidden in the body as a baby is in the egg and a plant is hidden within a tree; and the seed hidden within the fruit. When an egg is actually heated, it is hatched into an offspring.
Similarly, though a fruit or a seed looks so little, when we plant it in the earth and it is watered and brought up properly, a huge tree appears from it. Similarly though the outward human body is so small in appearance but in its terrestrial and material egg is inherent the divine bird.
If this material and terrestrial egg is hatched with the heat of zikr-of Allah and contemplation upon the Personal Name Allah, the divine bird emerges from it whose realm is the non-spatial Divine Abode.
- Hz Faqir Noor Muhammad, may God bless him
Credit: Sarwari Qadri Sultani-Noorani Sufi Order of Europe and America
It is related that a person died and His Holiness Muhammad, peace be upon him, offered his funeral prayer and went to his grave. Then after performing his funeral rites His Majesty, peace be upon him, returned home where his wife Ayesha, God be pleased with her, rose to receive him. When she touched the blessed turban of the Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, she said: "Surprisingly enough, your turban and clothes are wet with rainwater, though it never rained today."
The Holy Prophet, peace be upon him, understood that Ayesha, God be pleased with her, had perceived and seen the water of the unseen world. Then he enquired: 'O Ayesha! What is it that you have covered your head with today?' His Wife replied, 'Today I have covered my head with your blessed chador (a piece of clothing).' His Holiness said that by virtue of his chador the veils had been lifted on her sight and she had seen the water of the unseen rain on his clothes.
'O Ayesha! There are the heavens, the earth, the sun, the moon, stars and rain in the unseen world which nobody can perceive except perfect Aulia Allah (Friends of Allah/Saints).'
The unseen world and the world of objects are inter-woven and connected like our soul and body are blended and interpenetrated. The hard-hearted people deem this world and the flesh of our body the be-all and end-all, and they are totally unaware of the subtle unseen beings of the heart and spirit and their unseen domain.
The subtle unseen beings of the heart and spirit are hidden in the body as a baby is in the egg and a plant is hidden within a tree; and the seed hidden within the fruit. When an egg is actually heated, it is hatched into an offspring.
Similarly, though a fruit or a seed looks so little, when we plant it in the earth and it is watered and brought up properly, a huge tree appears from it. Similarly though the outward human body is so small in appearance but in its terrestrial and material egg is inherent the divine bird.
If this material and terrestrial egg is hatched with the heat of zikr-of Allah and contemplation upon the Personal Name Allah, the divine bird emerges from it whose realm is the non-spatial Divine Abode.
- Hz Faqir Noor Muhammad, may God bless him
Credit: Sarwari Qadri Sultani-Noorani Sufi Order of Europe and America