My Lord
increase me
(in) knowledge
~ Commandment to supplicate thus to increase knowledge and for the capacity to hold and exercise knowledge, in the Qur'an, Surah 20, Sign 114 ~
The One Who is the Source of all Knowledge teaches us to ask for knowledge from the Lord of all Knowledge Himself.
Our supplication continues to become:
Rabbi Zidnii 'Ilman,
Rabbi Zidnii Hikmah,
Rabbi Zidnii Ma'rifah
My Lord increase me (in) knowledge
My Lord increase me (in) wisdom
and My Lord increase me (in) gnosis.
The Divinely Revealed words of Scripture are agonizingly short to communicate a vast ocean of knowledge and for each sign, each letter, volumes can be said and has been said, and yet the words of the Lord never exhaust. We are told to ask for knowledge ('ilm). Now knowledge is not truly knowledge if we do not make it applied and or act upon. Then knowledge become wisdom (hikmah). Hikmah arrives when knowledge become firm and certain. And the highest pinnacle of wisdom is to recognize by Allah by the Light of Allah, to come to recognize the Lord by the Light of the Lord. That is ma'rifah (gnosis). A gnostic is one who has recognized his, her Lord in this very world.
Following are some of the supplications of the beloved Messenger for knowledge, wisdom and gnosis, and we send our profound respect and ask for divine benedictions upon his noble soul:
‘Allaahumma innee assaluka ilman nafia, wa rizzqan tayyeebun, wa amalan mutaqabilan,.’
‘O Allaah indeed I ask You for beneficial knowledge, and a pure provision, and actions which are accepted.’
Allahumman fa’nee bi-maa ‘allam-ta-nee wa ‘allim-nee maa yanfa’u-nee war zuq-nee ‘ilman yanfa’u-nee
‘O Allaah benefit me with what You have taught me, and teach me that which will benefit me, and grant me knowledge which will benefit me.’
Allaahumma Rabba Jibreela wa Mikaa’eela wa Israafeel, faatir al-samawaati wa’l-ard, ‘aalim al-ghaybi wa’l-shahaadah, anta tahkumu bayna ‘ibaadika fima kaanu fihi yukhtalifoon, ihdini lima’khtulifa fihi min al-haqq bi idhnika, innaka tahdi man tasha’ ila siraatin mustaqeem
‘O Allaah, Lord of Gabriel, Michael and Raphael, You are the Originator of the heavens and the earth, the One who has all knowledge of the unseen and what is seen. You judge between Your worshippers in what they differ, guide me to the truth by Your permission in what they differ, indeed You are the One who guides whom You want to the straight path.’ (credit)
Rabbi zidnii ilma,
Allahuma rabbi zidnii ilman bil haqq
Ya Munir Ya Munir
My Lord increase me in knowledge
O Allah My Lord enlighten me with the truth
O the Illuminator, O the Enlightener
My Lord increase me in knowledge
O Allah My Lord enlighten me with the truth
O the Illuminator, O the Enlightener
When wisdom arrives at the Heart, by Allah's permission we begin to place things in their proper place, we begin to give honor to people according to what is due to them, it is exercising proper etiquette towards everything, we begin to speak only what is appropriate. Wisdom is seeing things as they really are. And when a wise one sees things as they really are, he, she give it proper due. A wise appraise things according to what is due. Anyone who has fallen short of the appraisal due to the Lord is not truly wise, not a gnostic (aref).
Ma qadaroo Allaha haqqa qadri Hi
inna Allaha laqawiyyun AAazeez
They have not appraised Allah with true appraisal.
Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might.
~ The Qur'an 22:74
And the highest appraisal is due to the Lord Himself. Gnosis is giving the right appraisal that is due to God in every respect, be it recognizing Him in His every Giving or Withholding, recognizing Him in every Love, in every Generosity, in every striving
Wa jahidoo fee Allahi haqqa jihadi Hi
And strive for Allah with the striving due to Him.
~ The Qur'an 22:78
Where is that man on earth who is striving towards the Lord with the striving due to Him? O how lucky is he, is she who has found such a striving gnostic who is ever mindful of what is due to the Lord and has held fast to the rope of Allah!
# References:
* Islamic Gnosis (Irfan) and Wisdom (Hikmat)
* Hikmah / Wisdom