Certainly a Messenger has come unto you from yourselves;
your suffering is greatly grievous to him;
ardently concerned over you;
and to the believers he is tenderly loving, merciful.
~ The Qur'an 9:128 ~
And We have sent thee not except as a mercy for humanity.
~ 21:107 ~
Verily you have in the Prophet of Allah an excellent model,
for one who has hope in Allah
and the Last Day
and who remembers Allah much.
and the Last Day
and who remembers Allah much.
~ 33:21 ~
Muhammad is not the father of any of your men,
but he is the Messenger of Allah,
and the seal of the Prophets
and Allah has full knowledge of all things.
but he is the Messenger of Allah,
and the seal of the Prophets
and Allah has full knowledge of all things.
~ 33:40 ~
O Prophet, truly We have sent thee as a Witness,
and a Bearer of glad tidings, and a Warner,
and one who invites to Allah , by His permission,
and an illuminating lamp.
and a Bearer of glad tidings, and a Warner,
and one who invites to Allah , by His permission,
and an illuminating lamp.
~ 33:45,46 ~
Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet.
O ye who believe! invoke blessings upon him
and greet him with the salutation of peace.
O ye who believe! invoke blessings upon him
and greet him with the salutation of peace.
He it is Who has sent His Messenger, with guidance and the Religion of truth, that He may make it prevail over all other religions. And sufficient is Allah as a Witness.
~ 48:28 ~
And verily, you are on an exalted standard of character.
~ 68:05 ~
Those who harmonize their whole being with the Messenger of Allah are harmonizing and unifying with Allah.
~ 4:80 ~
Those who harmonize their whole being with the Messenger of Allah are harmonizing and unifying with Allah.
~ 4:80 ~
Above are some of the direct references of the Messenger in the Final Testament, blessings and peace be upon his noble soul. May we be accepted among his ummah and be recipient of his intercession on the Day of Homecoming.