Bismillahir rahmanir rahim allahumma ya hayyu, ya qayyumu laka usalli, wa laka iasum wa bika aqulu, wa bika akum ahyi bim'ari fatika qalbi wagfir li bifadlika zambi innahu la yagfiruz-zunuba illa anta allahumma innaka nazirun ilayya hazirun ladayya qadirun alayya ahatta bi ilman wa saman wa basaran farjuqni unsan bika, wa haybat minka, wa qawwi fika yaqini wa bika a'tatamtu fa aslih li fi dini wa alayka tawakkaltu farjuqni ma yakfini wa bikaluztu fanajjini mimma yuzini anta hasbi wa ni'mal wakil allahumma raddini biqadaa ika wa qannini biatawik wa alhimni shukra na'maik wajalni min awliyaik anta awliyuul hamid allahumma askinni fijiwari ka wa mattani bikhitabika wa inkuntu lastu ahlan lizaalik fa anta ahlun lizaalik wa sallillahumma ala sayyidina wa mawlana Muhammadin wa alihi wa sahbihi wa sallim tasliman wa barik wa sallallahu ala sayyidina Muhammadin wa alihi wa sahbihi wa sallama taslima | In the Name of Allah, the Universally Merciful, the Exclusive Lover O Allah, O Ever-Living, O Self-Subsisting, to You I pray and I fast, and for You I sit and I stand Give life to my heart with knowledge of You and forgive my sins through Your Grace Indeed, none forgives sins but You O Allah, truly You Watch over me, are Present with me, having Power over me Place upon me knowledge, hearing and sight Grant me intimacy with You, awe of You, and strengthen my certainty of You Through You I am protected, so make me adhere properly to my religion In You I have placed my trust, so grant me what suffices me With You I took refuge, so save me from that which harms me You are sufficient for me and the Best Disposer of affairs O Allah, make me content with Your Decrees and make me satisfied with Your Gifts Inspire me with gratefulness for Your Favors and make me one of Your saints You are the Protecting Friend and the Praised O Allah, make me dwell in Your Proximity and gratify me with Your Speech Although I am not fit for that, You are (fit to grant me) that Bestow Your blessings, O Allah, upon our master and our liege-lord, Muhammad, his Family and Companions, and bestow abundant peace and grace May the blessings of Allah be upon our master, Muhammad, his Family and Companions, and abundant peace. |
By The Knower of Allah, The Pivot, Shaykh ‘Ali Abu Hassan ash-Shadhili May Allah Sanctify his Secret
Taken from Awrād al-Tarīqah al-Shādhiliyyah published by Dār al-Bayrūtī (Syria) in 2007 Translated by: Abu Isma’il
Credit: Occidental Exile