Shaykh Nooruddeen Durkee recently gave an illuminating discourse on Dhikr and how Dhikr or Remembrance practice is conducted in the Green Mountain Branch of Shadhili Sufi Order. May Allah bless Shaykh Nooruddeen and give him good life.
Dhikr or Divine Remembrance is the central core of any spiritual trandition and in the living tradition of Sufic Islam this is the primary practice. In Islamic framework everything from ritual worship to every single action is oriented towards single goal for the creation, that is to remember the Real.
This is what Allah declares in the Quran "... wa aqimus salati li zikri" ... and establish prayer for My remembrance. (20:14)
".. wa la zikrullahi akbar, wa Allahu ya'alamu matasnawun" ... and remembrance of Allah is the greatest (thing in life) without doubt. And Allah knows the (deeds) that you do. (29:45)
In this very illuminating talk Shaykh Nooruddeen discuss not only the importance of Divine Remembrance, but also practically how it is conducted within a proper Sufic immersion and its inner as well as its outer dimensions as well. May it help increase your longing to taste true remembrance of the Beloved and embrace the practice within.
(*) You may download and listen the talk here. (mp3 audio format).
The talk was given in a gathering, thus in the beginning of the talk the Shaykh touches upon some contemporary issues and then move into the intended subject.
The Green Mountain School is actively dedicated to making known in English language and Arabic transliteration the ahzab, adhkar, awrad and du’aa’ of Sidi Abu’l Hasan ash-Shadhdhuli, may Allah sanctify his secret, which have informed, inspired and delivered to spiritual salvation many thousands of people from all over the world for more than 800 years.
Green Mountain Branch of the Shadhdhuli School for the Tranquillity of Being and the Illumination of Hearts is established under the direction of Shaykh A. Nooruddeen Durkee, the Khalifah (Representative) in North America of Shaykh Dr. Ibrahim Muhammad al-Battawi (ra), from whom he received idhn and ijaza in 1984CE/1405H to teach Islam from the Sufic (tasawwuf) perspective and to initiate, train and guide people specifically in the way of Shaykh Abu’l Hasan ash-Shadhdhuli, may Allah sanctify his secret.
# Resources:
(+) Official website of Green Mountain School
(+) Khutbah by Shaykh Nooruddeen Durkee