The Almighty Creator has fixed rules and constants for everything in the creation. If you look at the heart of atoms even, you will find that the Ultimate Designer has fixed elegant mathematical values which are constant across the universe. If you span out into the large galaxies you will also find they obey the rules of attraction (forces), the rules of annihilation (decay) which by Command of the Lord carried out everywhere in the cosmos. Yet we who are so habituated to cover up every truth, every sign, we go on not marveling at them and not recognizing the signs in them.
The scientists, the astronomers and every kind of seekers can go on discovering these rules of physics, rules of biology, rules of chemistry as we have named them, one after another until the end of time; for each of them are glorifying the Creator and the glory of the Almighty are inexhaustible.
The seven heavens and the earth and all that is therein, glorify Him and there is not a thing but glorifies His Praise. But you understand not their (way of) glorification. Truly God is ever Clement, Forgiving. - The Qur'an, Chapter of the Night Journey 17:44
Just as there are rules for the physical world, on the matrix of which this entire existence is sustained, similarly there are rules in the domain of Love. Every one who knows love know that when one sincerely loves someone, the wishes, the desire, the will of the beloved becomes the center of the universe. No true lover wishes to displease the beloved, on the contrary they are ready to sacrifice everything for the sake of attaining approval, that which pleases the beloved. The story of love tells us that what the lover fears most is the displeasure of the beloved, those actions or attitude or state of being which will make the beloved avert his or her gaze from the lover.
About the nature of the Divine we are communicated in the Illuminated guidance that "Your God is a Jealous (Lover) God," "God forgives everything except sharing partner with Him," "To hold equal anything against God for that violates the sanctify of the exclusivity of the Beloved," just as any lover who do not wishes to be shared and divided for love. There is no doubt that God's central role is as Lover and all the drama that have been going on in the creation revolves as a story of love and either moving towards that Unending Love or to moving away, gravitating away from that Love.
In the Final Revelation are provided for those who have a heart guidance regarding what earns approval of the Great Beloved and what earns disapproval. Following graphic enumerates the qualities which God loves and also that which God loves not. Those who are chosen friends of God, they first purify themselves from characteristics or attitude which God loves not and at the same time they attain those qualities which God loves. In doing so they become the ones whom God loves. It is them who are worthy to be called as lovers of God.
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Based on the Quranic transmission regarding the qualities possessing which attain Allah's Love and its opposite states |
Those whom Allah loves: from the Writings of Shaykh Ibn Arabi
Know then, may Allah grant you success, that, Love is a Divine station for He has characterized HisSelf by it and named Himself in the Qur'an al-Wadood (The Loving), and in the Hadith, the Lover.
He is the One Who inspired to Musa in the Torah: "O you son of Adam, by your right with me, I am a Lover, be then a lover to Me."
Mahhabat (Divine Love) has been mentioned in both Qur'an and Sunnah in reference to Allah and the created beings. Allah swt has mentioned the types of people He loves, according to their characteristics;
He has also mentioned the characteristics of the people He does not love.
He commanded the Noble Prophet to tell us: "If you love Allah follow me; Allah will love you… "3:31 and stated: "O you who believe! If any from among you turn back from his Faith, soon will Allah produce a people whom He will love as they will love Him 5:54"
In mentioning the types of people whom He loves, He then informed us that Allah loves:
Those who turn to Him in repentance 2:222
Those who purify themselves and those who keep themselves clean and pure(Mutaharun and Mutatahirun) 2:222 & 9:108
Those who rely on Him ( al-mutawkilun) 3:159
Those who are patient 2:153 ( al-sabirun)
Those who are grateful & thankful 31:4 (al-shakirun)
Those who give in charity 12:88 ( al-mutasadiqun)
Those who do good 2:195, 3:134, 3:152, 5:13, 5:93 ( al-muhsinun)
Those who fight in His cause in [solid] ranks, as though the were a building firm and compact 6:14
The Almighty distanced Himself from some folks because of the presence of characteristics that He does not love; meaning that He, may He be praised, wants those characteristics to vanish, which can only happen if they are replaced with their opposites.
The Almighty informed us that He does NOT love:
Those who spread corruption, the evil-doers ( al-mufsidun) 5:64, 28:77.
He does not love corruption (fasad) 2:205, the opposite of which is working righteousness/making peace/doing good (salah).
Those who exult over riches 28:76 (al-farihun)
Those who are conceited and act in a boastful manner 4:36 & 31:18(al-mukhtalun)
Those who are unfair, the oppressors 3:57 & 42:40 (al-zalimun)
Those who exceed the bounds, the squanderer 6:141 (al-musrifun)
The disbelievers 3:32, 30:45 (al-kafirun)
Those who speak evil openly 4:148
The aggressors 5:87 (al-mu'tadun)
It is so, that, Allah Subhanuwa tala has also made certain matters lovable to us:
Either by their absolute lovable value as He said stressing our indebtedness to Him: 49:7 "But Allah has made faith (Iman) lovable to you"
Or by making them attractive in our eyes: 3:14 "Alluring unto man is the enjoyment of worldly desires" and said in the case of the human pair: 30:21
"He put loving-kindness (mawadat) and mercy (rahmat) between you".
Source : Al Futuhat al Makkia " The Meccan Openings" via Qur'an Diary blog