Found in his book, Atom from the Sun of Knowledge, Shaikh Lex Hixon Nur al Jerrahi, may Allah bless his noble soul, compiled a selection from the thousand of authentic Oral Traditions of the Prophet and these Traditons are a meditation in itself, without need for commentary. Each of these pregnant sayings are each preceded by a different salawat, or prayerful invocation of the Messenger of Allah through his resonant names and radiant epithets. The resulting atmosphere of reverence tangibly enhances our capacity to receive the blessing of his words, spoken in the present tense of eternal companionship. There are not obscure Hadiths favored solely by mystics but are selected from the most popular and widely circulated anthologies.
Expanded into dignified English, these inspiring utterances represent Muhammad the Messenger as the vast majority of Muslims have always understood him - a person of the greatest tenderness and clement wisdom. Some of these Oral Traditions are hadith qudsi, which manifest directly through the Voice of Allah. The others are spoken from the same Ultimate Source through the tender human voice of the Messenger. These renderings are on the level of tafsir, or interpretation.
While pointing at his noble heart three times, the glorious Seal of Messengers proclaims: True religion is right here!
The Shaykh of all shaykhs advices his blessed companions: Always consult your own heart directly. Righteousness is whatever the inward heart is tranquil about. Wrongfulness is whatever cause the inward heart to waver.
The beautiful Light of Guidance, upon him be peace, reveals: The supreme gate to goodness is a person praying in the depth of the night.
The mystical Traveler who ascended through the seven heavens into the Direct Presence of Essence reveals: During the final third of the night until the first light of dawn, Allah is ceaselessly calling, "Who is praying that I may respond? Who is supplicating that I may grant? Who is seeking forgiveness that I may forgive?"
The supreme Master of the spiritual path advices: Live every moment in this limited world as if you were a traveler in a strange land.
Noble Ahmad the Praiseworthy, upon him be peace, instructs: Follow any negative action directly with a good action. The negative one will be erased and annulled.
Advise the Reservoir of Prophetic Teaching: Either speak sincerely with goodness, or remain silent.
Our subtle Master points out to his companions: Part of becoming an excellent practitioner of universal religion is to learn how to leave alone whatever is not your particular spiritual responsibility.
Advises the Friend of all souls, upon him be peace: Abandon instantly whatever makes you doubtful, and embrace wholeheartedly whatever genuinely frees you from doubt.
The noble Bearer of the Glorious Quran recites these words directly from the Revealer of the Quran: O My servants, I do not permit Myself a single act of compulsion, so neither is compulsion of any kind permissible among you.
Proclaims the nonviolent Warrior of Truth: Among you there should be neither harming nor reciprocating harm.
Warns the Messenger of Universal Religion: A faithful person is brother to all. He never oppresses his spiritual brothers, never fail them, never deceives them, never regards them as inferior.
The Final Prophet, upon him be peace, speaks clearly: Of all that I have shown you to perform as universal religion, humbly perform as much as you can.
The noble Muhammad states with perfect clarity: True religion is sincerity of heart!
The noble Mahbub confirms: Purity of heart constitutes one half of universal religion.
The sublime Leader of prayers for all humanity advises: Worship Allah Most High with the intense sincerity you would feel if you directly perceived Him. You can attain this intensity by knowing full well that He is directly perceiving you.
Explains the ecstatic Lover of Allah, who prays constantly, "O Lord, increase me in knowledge": Actions consist solely of the energy formed by the intentions behind them. Each person will receive from Allah solely upon the basis of what he intends.
The Bearer of the joyous news of Paradise remarks: No person has become completely faithful to universal religion until his entire inward inclination is in perfect accord with me and with the knowledge I have brought.
The spiritual Sovereign dressed in the garb of humble man relates these Divine Words directly from the Lord of Love: O My servants, without even being aware, you are constantly falling into negative thoughts and actions, day and night. But seek forgiveness directly from Me, and your negations will be erased and annulled.
The Intercessor for all spiritual nations, for subtle beings, and for angels, upon him be peace, relates there words directly from Supreme Reality: If My devoted servant draws near to Me by the measure of a hand, I draw near to him by the measure of an arm. If My humble servant approach Me at the speed of walking, I come to him at the speed of running.
The Lover of Humankind whose intercession is always successful relates this mystery to his blessed companions: When I encounter my precious Lord on the Day of Resurrection, I will fall in prostration and remain there as long as it may please Him. Thereupon, He will divinely proclaim, "Raise your head. Intercede, and your intercession will be accepted." I will being to praise my Lord with a unique form of praise that He will teach me at that moment, and then I will intercede four times for all human beings to enter Paradise. During the fourth intercession, there will emerge liberated from the fires of hell persons who have affirmed la ilaha illallah even only once and who posses only a single atom of goodness and kindness in their hearts.
Allahumma salli ' wa sallim wa baarik ala Sayyidina Muhammadil nil-fatihi lima ughliqa wal khatimi lima sabaqa wan-naa-siril-haqqi bil-haqqi wal-hadi ila Sirati-kal-mustaqima sal-lal-lahu 'alayhi wa 'ala alihi wa-ashaabihi haqqa qadrihi wa-miq-da rihil-'azim.
O Allah bless our Noble Master Muhammad who opened what had been closed, and who is the Seal of what had gone before, he who makes the Truth Victorious by the Truth, the guide to Your Straight Path, and bless his spiritual family and companions as is worthy of his immense position and grandeur. - Salawat Al-Fatih (credit)
O Allah bless our Noble Master Muhammad who opened what had been closed, and who is the Seal of what had gone before, he who makes the Truth Victorious by the Truth, the guide to Your Straight Path, and bless his spiritual family and companions as is worthy of his immense position and grandeur. - Salawat Al-Fatih (credit)