Lovers share a sacred decree to seek the Beloved.
They roll head over heels, rushing toward the Beautiful One
like a torrent of water.
- Rumi, One Whisper of the Beloved
If you're a lover of beauty, you will appreciate JPG Magazine, as I did this morning after stumbling into this magazine online. The About page of the Magazine reads, "JPG is for people who love image-making without attitude. It's about the kind of photography you get when you love the moment more than the camera.. It's a showcase of brave new photography"
Check out Issue 20 of JPG Magazine which is themed as Beloved (photos of loved ones from every corner of the world) and Issue 19, is Faith that features an interview with a priest, an image of Mecca at full capacity, a shot of a spiritual guide at Sturgis, devotions and other examples of Faith from around the world.
[>] The ones we Love @ JPG MAG
[>] Explore Themes
"Nobody wants to learn from a child how to die well, but I learned it from Karen" ~ Huston Smith
At Google News homepage a feature on Huston Smith, a modern sage of world religion caught my attention today which titles, Huston Smith's painful spiritual odyssey - about his firstborn child, Karens's death.
"Religion," Smith once wrote, is "the call to confront reality; to master the self." And what more nakedly brings a father to that reality when he has to face the death of his firstborn. In the article the writer shares Smith's daily prayer, a simple but profoundly grateful whisper to God. "God, you are so good to me."
Considered as perhaps the best authority in world faith traditions, Smith not only studied, but practiced Vedanta Hinduism, Zen Buddhism, and Sufism (influenced by the Traditionalist School of Rene Guenon) for over ten years each.
[>] Read the article via CNN
. Houston Smith | Official Web
If you're a lover of beauty, you will appreciate JPG Magazine, as I did this morning after stumbling into this magazine online. The About page of the Magazine reads, "JPG is for people who love image-making without attitude. It's about the kind of photography you get when you love the moment more than the camera.. It's a showcase of brave new photography"
Check out Issue 20 of JPG Magazine which is themed as Beloved (photos of loved ones from every corner of the world) and Issue 19, is Faith that features an interview with a priest, an image of Mecca at full capacity, a shot of a spiritual guide at Sturgis, devotions and other examples of Faith from around the world.
[>] The ones we Love @ JPG MAG
[>] Explore Themes
"Nobody wants to learn from a child how to die well, but I learned it from Karen" ~ Huston Smith
At Google News homepage a feature on Huston Smith, a modern sage of world religion caught my attention today which titles, Huston Smith's painful spiritual odyssey - about his firstborn child, Karens's death.
"Religion," Smith once wrote, is "the call to confront reality; to master the self." And what more nakedly brings a father to that reality when he has to face the death of his firstborn. In the article the writer shares Smith's daily prayer, a simple but profoundly grateful whisper to God. "God, you are so good to me."
Considered as perhaps the best authority in world faith traditions, Smith not only studied, but practiced Vedanta Hinduism, Zen Buddhism, and Sufism (influenced by the Traditionalist School of Rene Guenon) for over ten years each.
[>] Read the article via CNN
. Houston Smith | Official Web
Have you met Delhi’s naked sufi?, asks Mayank Austen Soofi and writes just about him.
It features Sufi Sarmad who, according to accounts was an Armenian Jew from Iran who reverted to Islam, came to Sindh, fell in love with a Hindu boy, grew oblivious to society’s conventions, discarded clothes, became a naked fakeer, and arrived in Delhi. [>] Read here
"Gratitude leads people to act in virtuous or more selfless ways and it builds social support, which we know is tied to both physical and psychological well being."
[>] Read Why giving thanks is good for your health via MSNBC (shared by AV)
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