Allahu Jamilun, wa Yuhibbul Jamal
God is Beauty Divine, and He loves that which is Beautiful.
- Sacred tradition of Islam
Sadaqaat (charity) shall go to the poor, the needy, the workers who collect them, the new believers, to free the slaves, to those burdened by sudden expenses, in the cause of Allah, and to the traveling strangers. Such is God's commandment. God is Omniscient, Knower.
- The Quran 9:60
They ask you about giving: say, the charity you give shall go to the parents, the relatives, the orphans, the poor, and the traveling alien. Any good you do, God is fully aware thereof. - The Quran 2:215
O you who believe, you shall give to charity from the provisions we have given to you, before a day comes where there is no trade, no nepotism, and no intercession. - The Quran 2:254
You are not responsible for guiding anyone. God is the only one who guides whoever chooses (to be guided). Any charity you give is for your own good. Any charity you give shall be for the sake of God. Any charity you give will be repaid to you, without the least injustice.
- The Quran 2:272 (credit)
In the Name of the Source of all Beauty, visible and invisible
During the hiatus for forty days i starting doing some paintings with borrowed inspirations from verses and letters of the Quran and other symbolic imagery from the world of creative imagination. These paintings were done in remembrance and by God's permission they infuse the baraka of remembrance. Many of the art works started then are still unfinished, but few of them i finished in order to share here and with the intention of fund raising sale.
The art works all are done with watercolor and acrylic on paper. They are mostly miniature in nature and the dimensions of individual ones are marked therewith. The frame outside is added digitally as a suggestion while framing, original paintings are without borders and will be shipped without frames.
. Beneficiaries: The proceeding from the sale will go to 3 primary beneficiaries..
a. Less fortunate kids in slums of Bangladesh who all are born with dreams to be beautiful human beings.
b. An-Noor Educational foundation's after school program for kids from refugee families (who come from many war affected countries and many of them are orphaned and victim of war).
c. Sacred Heart School in Kolkata, India, a school that strive to bring the light of education to the marginal kids of the city, some of them coming from extremely harsh economic and social background and many are given free education.
. Apologia: The art works all are done with watercolor and acrylic on paper. They are mostly miniature in nature and the dimensions of individual ones are marked therewith. The frame outside is added digitally as a suggestion while framing, original paintings are without borders and will be shipped without frames.
. Beneficiaries: The proceeding from the sale will go to 3 primary beneficiaries..
a. Less fortunate kids in slums of Bangladesh who all are born with dreams to be beautiful human beings.
b. An-Noor Educational foundation's after school program for kids from refugee families (who come from many war affected countries and many of them are orphaned and victim of war).
c. Sacred Heart School in Kolkata, India, a school that strive to bring the light of education to the marginal kids of the city, some of them coming from extremely harsh economic and social background and many are given free education.
sell your cleverness
and buy bewilderment.
- Rumi
and buy bewilderment.
- Rumi
Forgive the tagged prices. These art works are worthless (as they come from this defective one) and at the same time art work is ideally not a subject of marketplace transaction. So please forgive me in advance.
. . . GALLERY . . .

Dimension: 11 by 8.5 inch
Medium: Water Color on Paper
Price: $ 313

Dimension: 11 by 8. 5 inch
Price: $ 413
3. Title: HU
Dimension: 11 by 5 inch Water Color and Acrylic on Paper

Price: $ 213

Dimension: 5 inch by 11 inch
Medium: Water Color and Acrylic
Price: $ 313

Dimension: 8 by 11 inch
Medium: Water Color and Acrylic
Price: $ 313
6. Title: Ayn-Siin-Qaaf
Dimension: 11 by 8.5 inch

Dimension: 8 by 11 inch
Medium: Water Color and Acrylic

8. Title: Buddha's Rose
Dimension: 11 by 8.5 inch
Price: $ 213
. Instructions: If you wish to buy the original painting(s), follow the paypal link for secure e-transaction. It accepts all major credit cards and don't require to signup for paypal. Simply click continue at the lower left corner to skip signup step. Cheque by post is also fine, email me please in that regard.
If you are buying from place where you are unable to do electronic transaction, please write to me as soon as possible, (lest the painting is sold) with you intended painting and your contact details.
In case the painting you wished to buy is sold already, i will try to compensate with another painting of similar theme and content.
. Gifts: Those who are buying original paintings, it will accompany a personalized note on the significant of the letters / symbols used in the painting with brief explanation and when applicable, sufi practice(s) associated with it and also a gift of Ibn Atai'Llah's book, Illuminating Guidance on Dropping of Self Direction, a timeless spiritual classic in its English translation.
To artists: If you are an artist and would like to contribute / participate to this or similar next fundraising drive, pls email me with details and ideas. Email address will be mysticsaint (at) gmail (dot) com
To bloggers and communicators: Please feel free spread the words via your site or simply by email and support the works this small effort supports.