scrutinize the mystery
underlying all things
seek in higher dimensions
of understanding
a meaning
behind all our sufferings
what appears to be
the caprice of human destiny
how we long to become that
which we hardly believe we are!
- Sufi Master Vilayat Inayat Khan (1916 - 2004)
may God bless his soul
when one's consciousness is no longer tied
to a particular being
consequently one extends one's consciousness
from the cause of one's being to that of all,
all beings!
.. having hoisted oneself from the causal level to the one we are now describing, one grasps with crystalline clarity the laws governing all happening.
if consciousness is conducted beyond the point where it operates from an individuated center, perception of the immediate vicinity falls out of focus and one discovers not only the laws governing the autonomous functions of atoms, cells, or even the reflex action of the whole organism of the creature, but the enlightened intention of an overriding yet compassionate will.
should one identify one's self with all created things, these enhanced dimensions of awareness only transpire thanks to a shift in the focus of consciousness.
consciousness recedes into subliminal states - trance condition - unless one knows how to maintain the continuity of consciousness by relating one's focus center of consciousness to the ocean of cosmic consciousness of which it is a wave. enabling one to identify with the self of all selves which can only be perceived by consciousness in its unindividuated state.
if consciousness is conducted beyond the point where it operates from an individuated center, perception of the immediate vicinity falls out of focus and one discovers not only the laws governing the autonomous functions of atoms, cells, or even the reflex action of the whole organism of the creature, but the enlightened intention of an overriding yet compassionate will.
should one identify one's self with all created things, these enhanced dimensions of awareness only transpire thanks to a shift in the focus of consciousness.
consciousness recedes into subliminal states - trance condition - unless one knows how to maintain the continuity of consciousness by relating one's focus center of consciousness to the ocean of cosmic consciousness of which it is a wave. enabling one to identify with the self of all selves which can only be perceived by consciousness in its unindividuated state.
- from teachings of Vilayat Inayat Khan
know that its a harder and steeper path to love God's creatures than to glorify God by lips only or even when we convince ourselves that we are glorifying Him.
step up the ladder and rise up from that which is merely lip service, and ascend to the station of loving His creatures. 'to love for others what you love for yourself' is the key that unlocks a secret of what it really means to love God. and when we understand the meaning of that, our heart can not stop but lament at the suffering of fellow human beings.
the secret of this feeling the suffering of other as one's own suffering is spoken in the book, Toward the One:
But he made no haste on the path that is steep!
Ah, what will convey unto thee what the steep path is!
- The Quran 90:10,11
Ah, what will convey unto thee what the steep path is!
- The Quran 90:10,11
step up the ladder and rise up from that which is merely lip service, and ascend to the station of loving His creatures. 'to love for others what you love for yourself' is the key that unlocks a secret of what it really means to love God. and when we understand the meaning of that, our heart can not stop but lament at the suffering of fellow human beings.
the secret of this feeling the suffering of other as one's own suffering is spoken in the book, Toward the One:
"when the consciousness decentralize itself, scattering its center in the cosmos, the sense of localization can become so transformed
one feels as though one's center is everywhere,
one's circumference nowhere."
there is no limit or boundary to compassion and love as the door of God's mercy and compassion is Infinitely Wide. Ya Rahman (O Universally Merciful), Ya Rahim (O Singularly Compassionate), Ya Wasi (O Vast without Limit) - chants the sufi mystics.

Only if we knew how near and where, we would hasten to serve our neighbors even if it only means simply to offer the thirsty stranger - a cup of drink, the homeless at the corner of your road - a meal or even to carry the heavy grocery bag of the old woman at your apartment staircase. Never forget the Divine saying "Lo! I AM Near" and serve the Near, you will indeed serve Him.
and on the day of Return & Final Judgment when all of humanity will come to reckon what they have done with their gifted, precious divine breath - life, those hands that served will shine with pure light because it served His creation, thus served Him alone!
When Inayat Khan gave his formula of "Towards the One: the Perfection of Love, Harmony and Beauty" he summarized in this short formula the divine theory of everything. When this applied to one human family, Harmony of humanity comes through removal of injustice; by establishing equality and human dignity which is birth right of all children of God. And that harmony of equality and justice comes from Love. the alchemy of Love and Harmony gives birth to Beauty - and then, only then the very earth becomes kingdom of God, and human being become that which is destined for him: kalifatu'Llah, the vicegerent of God, the perfected reflection of divine.
- written in remembering those who are suffering now with the indiscriminate slaughtering of people in Gaza (The Gaza Massacre) by Israel with its continual effort of terrorizing the people of Palestine, poisoning them with depleted uranium and occupying their homeland. So far the conflict have killed more than 600 Palestinians in 10 days and injured 3000. Indeed the suffering of Gazans are suffering of whole of humanity. may God give victory to the oppressed ones over the oppressors.
:: Gaza Update:
. Palestinians Will Never Forget
. Israeli shells hit a UN school sheltering civilians in Jabalya refugee camp killing 42 innocent civilians
. How Israel brought Gaza to the brink of humanitarian catastrophe
. Israel ban access to the world’s media, violating press freedom to cover-up war crimes
. Palestine Youngs: "In Gaza our future is almost destroyed"
. How can you help Gazans? via Jillian York's blog
- written in remembering those who are suffering now with the indiscriminate slaughtering of people in Gaza (The Gaza Massacre) by Israel with its continual effort of terrorizing the people of Palestine, poisoning them with depleted uranium and occupying their homeland. So far the conflict have killed more than 600 Palestinians in 10 days and injured 3000. Indeed the suffering of Gazans are suffering of whole of humanity. may God give victory to the oppressed ones over the oppressors.
:: Gaza Update:
. Palestinians Will Never Forget
. Israeli shells hit a UN school sheltering civilians in Jabalya refugee camp killing 42 innocent civilians
. How Israel brought Gaza to the brink of humanitarian catastrophe
. Israel ban access to the world’s media, violating press freedom to cover-up war crimes
. Palestine Youngs: "In Gaza our future is almost destroyed"
. How can you help Gazans? via Jillian York's blog
. Unity of Being in Ibn 'Arabî - A Humanist Perspective
. Sami Awad on Non Violence in Holy Land (video)
. Global Justice and To Meet As Human Beings
via Global Oneness Project
. How to stop Wars
. Universel: A Course of Meditation
art credit. Sami Awad on Non Violence in Holy Land (video)
. Global Justice and To Meet As Human Beings
via Global Oneness Project
. How to stop Wars
. Universel: A Course of Meditation