Sufi Master of Shaykh Muhammad Said al-Jamal, affectionately known as Sidi to his seven million students around world, will be present in San Diego this coming September 12 to September 15 at Del Mar.
The event will be a full three-day immersion in Sufi teachings featuring sufi guide from Jerusalem and several teachers and assistants from the University of Spiritual Healing and Sufism.
Organized by Sufi Center San Diego, the event will include:
Possible themes and topics: Stations of the Way, Sufism, Ego: Nafs, Voices, Pictures, Layers of the Heart, Mirrors & Triggers.
"Walking through the Stations of the Heart" begins Friday morning, Sept 12 2008. Because there is a limited capacity for this event, advanced registration is recommend . Early bird registration ends on August 31st.
+ Click here to learn more about the events in detail.
+ Registration
What brings seven million students world-wide to seek the sacred teachings of peace, love, mercy, justice, and freedom? Let it be known for those who seek it. Truth!
The undeniable truth that so many of us want to know deeply can only be heard from within our souls. There are few who have completely surrendered to the purest light of God and are able to speak divine truth to manifest peace, love, mercy, justice and freedom onto the entire planet.
This special event brings Shaykh Muhammad Said al-Jamal ar-Rafa’I ash-Shadhuli, a humble servant of God from Jerusalem to Southern California to share such Truth.
Sidi brings compassion, kindness and profound divine knowledge that gives hope for real and lasting world peace. Guidance is what Sidi offers to so many people with various religious and spiritual backgrounds; for truth does not discriminate.
The event will be a full three-day immersion in Sufi teachings featuring sufi guide from Jerusalem and several teachers and assistants from the University of Spiritual Healing and Sufism.
Organized by Sufi Center San Diego, the event will include:
. Sufi Night Vigil (Khalwa) of prayer, meditation and remembrance practice guided by Sidi,
. Walking on the sufi path through stations of the heart
. Opportunity to initiation or hand taking into the sufi path by the Guide
. Teachings from the depth of sufi wisdom and discourses by Sidi and other sufi teachers.
. Walking on the sufi path through stations of the heart
. Opportunity to initiation or hand taking into the sufi path by the Guide
. Teachings from the depth of sufi wisdom and discourses by Sidi and other sufi teachers.
Possible themes and topics: Stations of the Way, Sufism, Ego: Nafs, Voices, Pictures, Layers of the Heart, Mirrors & Triggers.
"Walking through the Stations of the Heart" begins Friday morning, Sept 12 2008. Because there is a limited capacity for this event, advanced registration is recommend . Early bird registration ends on August 31st.
+ Click here to learn more about the events in detail.
+ Registration
What brings seven million students world-wide to seek the sacred teachings of peace, love, mercy, justice, and freedom? Let it be known for those who seek it. Truth!
The undeniable truth that so many of us want to know deeply can only be heard from within our souls. There are few who have completely surrendered to the purest light of God and are able to speak divine truth to manifest peace, love, mercy, justice and freedom onto the entire planet.
This special event brings Shaykh Muhammad Said al-Jamal ar-Rafa’I ash-Shadhuli, a humble servant of God from Jerusalem to Southern California to share such Truth.
Sidi brings compassion, kindness and profound divine knowledge that gives hope for real and lasting world peace. Guidance is what Sidi offers to so many people with various religious and spiritual backgrounds; for truth does not discriminate.

I am like the sea;
many ships sail across the sea,
but who knows
the depth of the sea?
When I move
through the streets,
I watch the sons of truth
pass me by;
I do not say anything,
but I open my heart,
and they enter!
- Sidi al-Jamal
Sidi Shaykh Muhammad Sa‘id al-Jamal ar-Rifa‘i ash-Shadhuli, the Guide of the peace, the mercy, and the love to the way of God through the Sufi path a guide of the Shadhili Tariqah, founded by as Shaykh Ali Abu-l-Hasan as-Shadhili in Egypt in the thirteenth century.