Mathura, North India 3127 B.C.
* some evidences say they were from India and Buddhism had great influence in India that time. other scholars are of the opinion that the three wise men were from Persia.
Christ (Yeshua) and Krishna | some notable similarities
. Both were called Savior, and the second person of the Trinity.
. Krishna and Jesus were of royal descent.
. Both were visited at birth by wise men and guided by star.
. Both Yeshua and Krishna withdrew to the wilderness as adults, and fasted.
. Christ was called "the lion of the tribe of Judah." Krishna was called "the lion of the tribe of Saki."
. Both claimed: "I am the Resurrection."
. Both referred to themselves having existed before their birth on earth.
. Both performed many miracles, including the healing of disease. One of the first miracles that both performed "to make a leper whole". Each cured "all manner of diseases."
. Both cast out indwelling demons, and raised the dead.
. Both were meek, and merciful.
. Both were criticized for associating with sinners.
. Both had a woman (Radha, Mary Magdalene) who played significant influence on their respective lives. Interestingly in Hindu tradition Radha is celebrated as a partner of Krishna whereas the Christian Church suppressed the status of Mary Magdalene who's traces can more openly be found only in the Gnostic Gospels.
And for every nation, there is a Messenger ... (Qur'an 10:47)
And verily, God has sent among every nation a Messenger (proclaiming): "Serve One God, and keep away from everything that is false". (Qur'an 16:36)
And, indeed God has sent Messengers before you; of some of them God related to you their story and of some God has not related to you their story... (Qur'an 40:78)
(Say) We make no distinction between any of them (Messengers and Prophets sent to mankind), and unto God we have surrendered. (Qur'an 2:136)
# Related
. Reading on Krishna
. Krishna and Muhammad
The moon was in the constellation of Aldebaran and it was the 8th lunar day of the dark fortnight in 3127 B.C.
The blessed virgin, Devaki, was about to deliver a baby boy; Krishna was to be his name. His birth had been heralded by the astral formation of a Rohini Nakshatra, a most auspicious astrological sequence.
His father, Vasudeva was a carpenter. Unfortunately, a wise Brahmin had predicted to King Kansa, the ruler of Mathura, that a son born to Devaki would destroy him. Kansa ordered the death of all male babies on the day of Krishna's birth to prevent the prophecy from coming true. Luckily for Krishna, his father was pre-warned and fled with the child to Gokul where he could be brought up safely.
Hinduism has long worshiped the Holy Trinity of Brahma - the Creator; Vishnu - the Preserver and Shiva - the Destroyer. Krishna, it was believed, was the second entity in this trinity. Much like the second entity in the trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The name Krishna is sometimes spelled as "Christna".
The entire story of Krishna was written in Hindu epic of 100,000 verses before 500 B.C.
Bethlehem, Judea, 7 B.C.
A triple conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in a given year was very rare indeed. This conjunction in which the two planets seemed to almost touch one another occurred on May 29th, October 3rd and finally on December 5th in the year 7 B.C.
The three Buddhist (*) wise men observing this astronomical miracle were convinced. A reincarnation had indeed arrived on Earth and it was finally time to meet him. They would then need to convince themselves that he was indeed the one that they were looking for ... They needed to visit Jerusalem.
. Quoted from The Rozabal Line by Shawn HaiginsThe blessed virgin, Devaki, was about to deliver a baby boy; Krishna was to be his name. His birth had been heralded by the astral formation of a Rohini Nakshatra, a most auspicious astrological sequence.
His father, Vasudeva was a carpenter. Unfortunately, a wise Brahmin had predicted to King Kansa, the ruler of Mathura, that a son born to Devaki would destroy him. Kansa ordered the death of all male babies on the day of Krishna's birth to prevent the prophecy from coming true. Luckily for Krishna, his father was pre-warned and fled with the child to Gokul where he could be brought up safely.
Hinduism has long worshiped the Holy Trinity of Brahma - the Creator; Vishnu - the Preserver and Shiva - the Destroyer. Krishna, it was believed, was the second entity in this trinity. Much like the second entity in the trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost. The name Krishna is sometimes spelled as "Christna".
The entire story of Krishna was written in Hindu epic of 100,000 verses before 500 B.C.
Bethlehem, Judea, 7 B.C.
A triple conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn in a given year was very rare indeed. This conjunction in which the two planets seemed to almost touch one another occurred on May 29th, October 3rd and finally on December 5th in the year 7 B.C.
The three Buddhist (*) wise men observing this astronomical miracle were convinced. A reincarnation had indeed arrived on Earth and it was finally time to meet him. They would then need to convince themselves that he was indeed the one that they were looking for ... They needed to visit Jerusalem.
* some evidences say they were from India and Buddhism had great influence in India that time. other scholars are of the opinion that the three wise men were from Persia.

Christ (Yeshua) and Krishna | some notable similarities
. Both were called Savior, and the second person of the Trinity.
. Krishna and Jesus were of royal descent.
. Both were visited at birth by wise men and guided by star.
. Both Yeshua and Krishna withdrew to the wilderness as adults, and fasted.
. Christ was called "the lion of the tribe of Judah." Krishna was called "the lion of the tribe of Saki."
. Both claimed: "I am the Resurrection."
. Both referred to themselves having existed before their birth on earth.
. Both performed many miracles, including the healing of disease. One of the first miracles that both performed "to make a leper whole". Each cured "all manner of diseases."
. Both cast out indwelling demons, and raised the dead.
. Both were meek, and merciful.
. Both were criticized for associating with sinners.
. Both had a woman (Radha, Mary Magdalene) who played significant influence on their respective lives. Interestingly in Hindu tradition Radha is celebrated as a partner of Krishna whereas the Christian Church suppressed the status of Mary Magdalene who's traces can more openly be found only in the Gnostic Gospels.
And for every nation, there is a Messenger ... (Qur'an 10:47)
And verily, God has sent among every nation a Messenger (proclaiming): "Serve One God, and keep away from everything that is false". (Qur'an 16:36)
And, indeed God has sent Messengers before you; of some of them God related to you their story and of some God has not related to you their story... (Qur'an 40:78)
(Say) We make no distinction between any of them (Messengers and Prophets sent to mankind), and unto God we have surrendered. (Qur'an 2:136)
# Related
. Reading on Krishna
. Krishna and Muhammad