Messengers, Prophets are as much as part of the outer reality, representing historical figures, representing the pole of human spiritual evolution at different ages; at the same time, each Messenger represent certain esoteric stations within every human being. The above figure illustrate how each Messenger is also an inner state of a seeker's journey to the Ultimate Reality.
Laqad Jaa 'Akum Rasulum-Min 'Anfusukum
There has come to you a Messenger from among your selves.
- The Quran 9:128
As above, so below; as outside, so within. Each Messenger symbolizes certain aspect of the reality and they are part of the internal cosmos within us, within our selves. They are not only Biblical Messengers, not only Quranic Messengers as they appear but they are also Internal Subtle Messengers. All Messengers are part of unity and oneness. Thats why Quran speaks of the oneness of all divine messengers sent to humanity from time immemorial by teaching to affirm, "La Nufarriqu Bayna Ahadin min Rusulihi" : "(Say O humanity that) We do not differentiate between any of the Divine Messengers." (The Quran 2:285)
Details of the Above Illustration (click on the image above to view larger version, sharing in other site / blog is fine with credit to this site): Esoteric Sphere of Seven Subtle Centers and Seven Internal Subtle Messengers
Laqad Jaa 'Akum Rasulum-Min 'Anfusukum
There has come to you a Messenger from among your selves.
- The Quran 9:128
As above, so below; as outside, so within. Each Messenger symbolizes certain aspect of the reality and they are part of the internal cosmos within us, within our selves. They are not only Biblical Messengers, not only Quranic Messengers as they appear but they are also Internal Subtle Messengers. All Messengers are part of unity and oneness. Thats why Quran speaks of the oneness of all divine messengers sent to humanity from time immemorial by teaching to affirm, "La Nufarriqu Bayna Ahadin min Rusulihi" : "(Say O humanity that) We do not differentiate between any of the Divine Messengers." (The Quran 2:285)
Details of the Above Illustration (click on the image above to view larger version, sharing in other site / blog is fine with credit to this site): Esoteric Sphere of Seven Subtle Centers and Seven Internal Subtle Messengers
1. First Sphere
. Latifah Qalabiyyah . The Subtlety of Matrix
Adam Khalifatullah . The Divine Vicegerent
2. Second Sphere
. Latifah Nafsiyyah . The Subtlety of Self
Nuh (Noah) Najiyyullah . The Confidant
3. Third Sphere
. Latifah Qalbiyyah . The Subtlety of Heart
Ibrahim (Abraham) Khalilullah . The Friend
4. Fourth Sphere
. Latifah Sirriyah . The Subtlety of Secret
Musa (Moses) Kalimullah . The Conversant
5. Fifth Sphere
. Latifah Ruhiyyah . The Subtlety of Spirit
Dawud (David) Safiyyullah . The Intimate
6. Sixth Sphere
. Latifah Dhat-us-Sirriyah . The Subtlety of Essence
Isa (Jesus) Kalimatullah. The Word
7. Seventh Sphere
. Latifah Khafiyyah . The Subtlety of Hidden
Muhammad Habibullah . The Beloved
and Finally Latifah Haqqiyyah . The Reality ITSELF
The Unspeakable, indescribable Reality that is both Inside and Outside, both Within and Without, both Hidden and Manifest and That Effulgent Secret by Which all things are Encompassed.
. graphics: inspired from the document of Wadhifatus Salatul Mashishiyyah: the Daily Exercise of the Qutub, Shaykh Abd as Salam Ibn Mashish, may Allah sanctify his Secret.The Unspeakable, indescribable Reality that is both Inside and Outside, both Within and Without, both Hidden and Manifest and That Effulgent Secret by Which all things are Encompassed.
# Suggested Book and Links
. Music of the Soul, an excellent book of deep esoteric wisdom detailing the stations of soul and seeker's journey to God by my beloved Shaykh Sidi Said al Jamal, may God be pleased with him.
. Tariqa Shadhuliyya
. The Green Mountain School