Ending war with war hasn't worked yet. Perhaps if we learned how to end war in our own minds, between opposite thought forms, we might learn out how to end war in the world.
Through a process of "inquiry" or "work," Gurdjieff, Byron Katie and others have developed skillful means whereby the mind learns to question it's own stressful thinking. It discovers that what it thought was true, wasn't true after all, that turn-arounds, (opposing thoughts), prove just as true or truer than the original.
Inquiry into painful thinking returns the mind, over and over, to a state of balance between opposing beliefs. After doing "the work" for some time, I've discovered that NO though I've ever thought is ever true. In fact, opposing thoughts depend on each other for their very definition. They support each other.
One might think that clearly seeing no belief is true would devastate mental function. Quite the opposite! Not settling into belief or disbelief liberates mental function and ends mental war.
Suppose, for example, I want to implement some idea that you oppose with an opposite idea. If my mind believes its idea to be the best course of action, it cannot help but RESIST your opposing idea, by proving itself right and you wrong. (Believing mind may be the original warrior.)
However, if my mind rests confidently in its natural balanced state of don't-know, without landing on any side of any issue, it can witness all resistance (both your resistance and my resistance) from a state of NONRESISTANCE or peace.
Only nonresistance can penetrate the nature of resistance and war. Mental non-resistance is the beginning of Wisdom. And it doesn't mean you won't take action. It means you take effective action precisely because your mind is not making war on anything.
Through a process of "inquiry" or "work," Gurdjieff, Byron Katie and others have developed skillful means whereby the mind learns to question it's own stressful thinking. It discovers that what it thought was true, wasn't true after all, that turn-arounds, (opposing thoughts), prove just as true or truer than the original.
Inquiry into painful thinking returns the mind, over and over, to a state of balance between opposing beliefs. After doing "the work" for some time, I've discovered that NO though I've ever thought is ever true. In fact, opposing thoughts depend on each other for their very definition. They support each other.
One might think that clearly seeing no belief is true would devastate mental function. Quite the opposite! Not settling into belief or disbelief liberates mental function and ends mental war.
Suppose, for example, I want to implement some idea that you oppose with an opposite idea. If my mind believes its idea to be the best course of action, it cannot help but RESIST your opposing idea, by proving itself right and you wrong. (Believing mind may be the original warrior.)
However, if my mind rests confidently in its natural balanced state of don't-know, without landing on any side of any issue, it can witness all resistance (both your resistance and my resistance) from a state of NONRESISTANCE or peace.
Only nonresistance can penetrate the nature of resistance and war. Mental non-resistance is the beginning of Wisdom. And it doesn't mean you won't take action. It means you take effective action precisely because your mind is not making war on anything.
- Ron Marson,
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. also visit The Work by Byron Katie