On the bi-weekly unique radio program, Sufism: The Heart of Islam host Wendy McLaughlin talk to Sufis from all walks of life in order to find out what it means to be a practicing Sufi in America.
In today's (Monday, January 7th at 5:30pm PST) broadcast of Sufism: The Heart of Islam, the program will be discussing the enthusiasm and optimism about being Muslims in America. In the first half hour of the show the host will be joined by Kelly Wentworth and Melissa Robinson, co-founders of the American Islamic Fellowship in Atlanta. Both converts to Islam in their early 20's, these two women are vocal advocates for a practice of Islam that weds a very American style of tolerance with principles of the shari'ah.
In the second half of the show, the guest will be Melody Moezzi, author of a new book called, War on Error - Stories of American Muslims, which portrays the everyday lives of a dozen young Muslims living in the United States.
In Wendy's own word, "We hear so much about the difficulties of being Muslim in America these days but what these women (and I) all heartily agree upon is that being both Muslim and American holds unparalleled opportunities not only for us, but for our nation and even for the practice of Islam. In this show I hope to convey that contrary to what it might seem like, the United States is the best place in the world to practice Islam. I hope you can join us."
And, January 21st, the program's guest will be Coleman Barks, renowned interpreter of Jalaluddin Rumi's poetry.
[>] To tune in from anywhere in the world, please go to www.kwmr.org and click on the ON AIR sign under the cow (direct streaming link). The show airs live, so if you're listening from another time zone, please make sure to adjust accordingly.
. About the Program: Wendy McLaughlin has been hosting the bi-weekly show, Sufism: The Heart of Islam, on KWMR: West Martin Community Radio, since September 2005. KMWR - can be heard on the radio in parts of the San Francisco Bay Area at 90.5 or 89.3 FM. Also please check out the website at www.sufiradio.com where you can download past shows onto your computer or iPod from the Archive page.
In today's (Monday, January 7th at 5:30pm PST) broadcast of Sufism: The Heart of Islam, the program will be discussing the enthusiasm and optimism about being Muslims in America. In the first half hour of the show the host will be joined by Kelly Wentworth and Melissa Robinson, co-founders of the American Islamic Fellowship in Atlanta. Both converts to Islam in their early 20's, these two women are vocal advocates for a practice of Islam that weds a very American style of tolerance with principles of the shari'ah.
In the second half of the show, the guest will be Melody Moezzi, author of a new book called, War on Error - Stories of American Muslims, which portrays the everyday lives of a dozen young Muslims living in the United States.
In Wendy's own word, "We hear so much about the difficulties of being Muslim in America these days but what these women (and I) all heartily agree upon is that being both Muslim and American holds unparalleled opportunities not only for us, but for our nation and even for the practice of Islam. In this show I hope to convey that contrary to what it might seem like, the United States is the best place in the world to practice Islam. I hope you can join us."
And, January 21st, the program's guest will be Coleman Barks, renowned interpreter of Jalaluddin Rumi's poetry.

. About the Program: Wendy McLaughlin has been hosting the bi-weekly show, Sufism: The Heart of Islam, on KWMR: West Martin Community Radio, since September 2005. KMWR - can be heard on the radio in parts of the San Francisco Bay Area at 90.5 or 89.3 FM. Also please check out the website at www.sufiradio.com where you can download past shows onto your computer or iPod from the Archive page.

. Live stream listening | stereo (for hi speed internet) | mono
. Sufism: The Heart of Islam | The Radio Program