honestly, the internet identity which turned out to be the pen-name "mysticsaint" often embarrasses me. what an egoistic name! many have asked "why mysticsasint?" and i kinda replied with a blank embarrassed smile, couldn't gather a convincing reply and felt even more ashamed with the heavy egoistic image associated with the identity. so allow me to try to remember the genesis of mysticsaint, the net identity and pen name.
gmail was the newest coolest thing on the internet at that time back in 2004 (i had to dig through the oldest email in my gmail inbox to figure the year). thanks to revolutionary google, it was offering free email service with gigabyte storage capacity (as opposed to only few meagabytes offered by yahoo or hotmail at that time), claiming you never need to delete a single e-mail and the searching is really cool! so with lots of enthusiasm i decided to open an account, ended up opening few. apart from using my real name, i decided to open an account which i can use for registration online services, impersonal stuff etc.
thinking this and that, somehow the name mysticsaint came to my mind. it could have been any other silly names. i guess i was reading mysticism that time pretty much, can't remember clearly. so i chose mysticsaint as user name and Voila! i had a new net identity. then when blogger service came out i used mysticsaint gmail account to start blogging and hence the name got stuck.
as it goes with everything created under the sun, you should not believe in the face value or tags alone, so forgive this stupid name and it has nothing to do with personal claim or glorification, God forbid. after all, all names and forms are vanity of vanities. nothing more really.
so, please, whenever you come across mysticsaint, know that it is meant to read, "mistakenly called saint". this is predominantly the age of sinners, not saints. (though there are saints hidden among us, believe it or not, i have seen in the garb of medical dentist, simple housewives, human activists and even among the homeless people on the street)