Eid Mubarak! | Greetings of Eid to you all.
Eid is the day of celebration which marks the end of Hajj, the holy pilgrimage. May the day be blessed for you and your loved ones!
Today we celebrated Eid in the blessed presence of Sidi Shaykh Muhammad Sa‘id al-Jamal at the beautiful Sufi Center at scenic Pope Valley, Northern California. This was part of the Shadhiliyya Hajj retreat. we experienced a wonderful night of khalwa (spiritual seclusion) with meditation, zikr and prayers guided by our beloved master we call Sidi. During the khalwa we did special supplication such as Dua al Jawharah (the Jewel Supplication) and chanting Divine names. The purpose of it is to purify and open the heart to the Greater Beloved and polishing the mirror of the heart.
Descendant of the holy Prophet Muhammad, the guide Sidi Muhammad Sa‘id al-Jamal ar-Rifa‘i ash-Shadhuli is the Guide of the Shadhdhuliyyah Tariqah. The Hajj retreat was his last public event in 2007 here in USA before he leave for Mount of Olives in the Holy City of Jerusalem where he is living since 1959. He comes at least once in a year to give teachings and initiate new aspirant in the Sadhdhuliyyah path of Divine Love. May God continue to bless Sidi and may God open more hearts through his call to the pure Love and Gnosis of the Divine.
Descendant of the holy Prophet Muhammad, the guide Sidi Muhammad Sa‘id al-Jamal ar-Rifa‘i ash-Shadhuli is the Guide of the Shadhdhuliyyah Tariqah. The Hajj retreat was his last public event in 2007 here in USA before he leave for Mount of Olives in the Holy City of Jerusalem where he is living since 1959. He comes at least once in a year to give teachings and initiate new aspirant in the Sadhdhuliyyah path of Divine Love. May God continue to bless Sidi and may God open more hearts through his call to the pure Love and Gnosis of the Divine.
. The Sufi Center
- from Sufi Center, Pope Valley, Northern California. God willing more update later.
# related post
. Eid ul Adha - Muslim Festival
. What is Eid and meaning