Everyone should carefully observe which way his heart draws him. And then choose that way with all his strength.
~ Hasidic saying
About Hasidic Judaism | Hasidic Judaism (also Chasidic, from the Hebrew: Chassidus, meaning "piety", from the Hebrew root word chesed meaning "lovingkindness") is a Haredi Jewish religious movement. The movement originated in Eastern Europe (what is now Belarus and Ukraine) in the 18th century.
What i like from Hasidic fundamental conceptions is the deeper bonding between God and creation and an effort to see the Glorious Face of Beloved all around.
The teachings of Hasidism are founded on two theoretical conceptions: (1) religious panentheism, or the omnipresence of God, and (2) the idea of Devekus, communion between God and man. "Man," says the Besht, "must always bear in mind that God is omnipresent and is always with him; that God is, so to speak, the most subtle matter everywhere diffused... Let man realize that when he is looking at material things he is in reality gazing at the image of the Deity which is present in all things. With this in mind man will always serve God even in small matters."
Every act and word of man produces a corresponding vibration in the upper spheres. From this conception is derived the chief practical principle of Hasidism - communion with God for the purpose of uniting with the source of life and of influencing it. This communion is achieved through the concentration of all thoughts on God, and consulting Him in all the affairs of life.
The righteous man is in constant communion with God, even in his worldly affairs, since here also he feels His presence. An especial form of communion with God is prayer. In order to render this communion complete the prayer must be full of fervor, ecstatic; and the soul of him who prays must during his devotions detach itself, so to speak, from its material dwelling. The essence of religion is in sentiment and not in reason. (more)
~ Hasidic saying
About Hasidic Judaism | Hasidic Judaism (also Chasidic, from the Hebrew: Chassidus, meaning "piety", from the Hebrew root word chesed meaning "lovingkindness") is a Haredi Jewish religious movement. The movement originated in Eastern Europe (what is now Belarus and Ukraine) in the 18th century.
What i like from Hasidic fundamental conceptions is the deeper bonding between God and creation and an effort to see the Glorious Face of Beloved all around.
The teachings of Hasidism are founded on two theoretical conceptions: (1) religious panentheism, or the omnipresence of God, and (2) the idea of Devekus, communion between God and man. "Man," says the Besht, "must always bear in mind that God is omnipresent and is always with him; that God is, so to speak, the most subtle matter everywhere diffused... Let man realize that when he is looking at material things he is in reality gazing at the image of the Deity which is present in all things. With this in mind man will always serve God even in small matters."
Every act and word of man produces a corresponding vibration in the upper spheres. From this conception is derived the chief practical principle of Hasidism - communion with God for the purpose of uniting with the source of life and of influencing it. This communion is achieved through the concentration of all thoughts on God, and consulting Him in all the affairs of life.
The righteous man is in constant communion with God, even in his worldly affairs, since here also he feels His presence. An especial form of communion with God is prayer. In order to render this communion complete the prayer must be full of fervor, ecstatic; and the soul of him who prays must during his devotions detach itself, so to speak, from its material dwelling. The essence of religion is in sentiment and not in reason. (more)