Feeding the multitude (also known as The miracle of the loaves and fish) is the name of two miracles attributed to Jesus, as reported in canonical Gospels.
According to the narrative of the Gospels, the first event happened after Jesus had been teaching in an area away from the towns, and insists that the people be fed where they are, rather than sending them to the nearest towns.
The canonical Gospels all report that, upon investigating the provisions of the crowd, the disciples were only able to find 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish, and the Gospel of John adds that these came from a single boy in the crowd. The Gospels state that Jesus blessed the food, broke it, and gave it to the disciples, who distributed it to the people present - 5000 not counting women and children - all of them being fed. The Gospels also state that after the meal was over, the disciples collected the scraps, filling 12 baskets. (credit: wikipedia)
Jesus didn't like performing miracles. He on many occasion as recorded in the New Testament refused and even rebuked. Recorded is that Jesus encounters the Pharisees who ask him to perform a miracle for them. "He sighed deeply and said, 'Why does this generation ask for a miraculous sign? I tell you the truth, no sign will be given to it.'"
Another (humourous) interpretation how Jesus fed the multitudes (but could well be real) | Upon asking for food, the disciples handed over Jesus 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish.
Jesus looked at the multitude of crowds in front. He had great faith in God. So with a peaceful smile he passed the food to the first person in-front. Mind you they were people from nearby fishing villages. They knew it would be late to return home, so most of them had food in their pockets or bag. Many carrying bread and fish as well.
The first person seeing there are so many people left to eat, he was ashamed to eat the fish and the bread given by Jesus. 'What will other eat then?' he wondered.
Carefully he took out the food from his own pocket, pretending eating from what Jesus gave and passed down the original bread and fish to the next person. Seeing what the first person did, the second followed as well. It continuted for all the people who were present.
Finally the original bread and fish came back to Jesus, and he himself was greatly astonished on the event. Looking up he thanked Heavenly Father for the provision.
And since so many people ate, no wonder the bible says upon finishing eating, the disciples collected the scraps filling 12 basket!
At that moment, no body considered it as miracle. But only to teach the ignorant and often less sophisticated people of that age, who were only interested in miracles and folk-tales rather than spiritual and moral teachings, these stories spread with a tag called miracle.
According to the narrative of the Gospels, the first event happened after Jesus had been teaching in an area away from the towns, and insists that the people be fed where they are, rather than sending them to the nearest towns.
The canonical Gospels all report that, upon investigating the provisions of the crowd, the disciples were only able to find 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish, and the Gospel of John adds that these came from a single boy in the crowd. The Gospels state that Jesus blessed the food, broke it, and gave it to the disciples, who distributed it to the people present - 5000 not counting women and children - all of them being fed. The Gospels also state that after the meal was over, the disciples collected the scraps, filling 12 baskets. (credit: wikipedia)
Jesus didn't like performing miracles. He on many occasion as recorded in the New Testament refused and even rebuked. Recorded is that Jesus encounters the Pharisees who ask him to perform a miracle for them. "He sighed deeply and said, 'Why does this generation ask for a miraculous sign? I tell you the truth, no sign will be given to it.'"
Another (humourous) interpretation how Jesus fed the multitudes (but could well be real) | Upon asking for food, the disciples handed over Jesus 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish.
Jesus looked at the multitude of crowds in front. He had great faith in God. So with a peaceful smile he passed the food to the first person in-front. Mind you they were people from nearby fishing villages. They knew it would be late to return home, so most of them had food in their pockets or bag. Many carrying bread and fish as well.
The first person seeing there are so many people left to eat, he was ashamed to eat the fish and the bread given by Jesus. 'What will other eat then?' he wondered.
Carefully he took out the food from his own pocket, pretending eating from what Jesus gave and passed down the original bread and fish to the next person. Seeing what the first person did, the second followed as well. It continuted for all the people who were present.
Finally the original bread and fish came back to Jesus, and he himself was greatly astonished on the event. Looking up he thanked Heavenly Father for the provision.
And since so many people ate, no wonder the bible says upon finishing eating, the disciples collected the scraps filling 12 basket!
At that moment, no body considered it as miracle. But only to teach the ignorant and often less sophisticated people of that age, who were only interested in miracles and folk-tales rather than spiritual and moral teachings, these stories spread with a tag called miracle.