Otis B. Johnson was a young college professor of English in the 1960s when he joined the exodus of hippies to California to meet someone his friend said could taken them where they wanted to go fastest. Where did they want to go? - They wanted to meet the divinity, obtain God-consciousness, get enlightened, find love, experience samadhi, in short- they didn't know for sure.
What happened? - Otis B. Johnson became Mansur Johnson during a three year encounter with the world's first Guru-Roshi-Murshid, Samuel L. Lewis.
God wanted to put his vicegerance on earth, such was the Divine plan. He planned to establish Kingdom of God here, through His own image impressed upon Adam. But not all men can realize inside of them this image of God. Only on rare occasions such blessed persons are found on earth visiting time to time. American Sufi Samuel L. Lewis (October 18, 1896–January 15, 1971) is one of such rare soul that reflected the divine image so beautifully. (read more about Samuel L. Lewis via wikipedia, also via marinsufis site, via ruhaniyat.)
The Book Murshid by Mansur Johnson is a personal memoir of life with American Sufi Samuel L. Lewis. Samuel, who founded the Dances of Universal Peace movement. He was also known under his Sufi name Sufi Ahmed Murad Chisti and was addressed by his mureeds and others as Murshid. This is an arabic word that means, "Exalted Teacher." In the popular press he was sometimes known as Sufi Sam.
Murshid in intimate detail shows how Samuel L. Lewis, the first western born Sufi Teacher, Zen master and practitioner of Indian cosmic metaphysics, accomplished his life's purpose. Its a PeaceWorks Publications. Read details about the book here.
The author, Mansur Johnson prays that: "May the message of God reach far and wide!" In order for this to happen, he needs your help to reach a wider audience. Apart from sharing and spreading the news about this book, another thing you can do (if you have time and are motivated to help), is to ask your local library to carry the book. Most libraries are glad to receive recommendations from their patrons.
Click here to order this brilliant book. You can contact with the author through this address: mansurjohnson (at) hotmail (dot) com
Dear Reader: Prepare for a unique adventure of spiritual discovery and transformation ... you have before you a wild, bucking-bronco of a ride. Hold on! - from the forward by Neil Douglas-Klotz, author of The Sufi Book of Life.
Credit: Mansur Johsnon's site
What happened? - Otis B. Johnson became Mansur Johnson during a three year encounter with the world's first Guru-Roshi-Murshid, Samuel L. Lewis.
God wanted to put his vicegerance on earth, such was the Divine plan. He planned to establish Kingdom of God here, through His own image impressed upon Adam. But not all men can realize inside of them this image of God. Only on rare occasions such blessed persons are found on earth visiting time to time. American Sufi Samuel L. Lewis (October 18, 1896–January 15, 1971) is one of such rare soul that reflected the divine image so beautifully. (read more about Samuel L. Lewis via wikipedia, also via marinsufis site, via ruhaniyat.)
The Book Murshid by Mansur Johnson is a personal memoir of life with American Sufi Samuel L. Lewis. Samuel, who founded the Dances of Universal Peace movement. He was also known under his Sufi name Sufi Ahmed Murad Chisti and was addressed by his mureeds and others as Murshid. This is an arabic word that means, "Exalted Teacher." In the popular press he was sometimes known as Sufi Sam.
Murshid in intimate detail shows how Samuel L. Lewis, the first western born Sufi Teacher, Zen master and practitioner of Indian cosmic metaphysics, accomplished his life's purpose. Its a PeaceWorks Publications. Read details about the book here.
The author, Mansur Johnson prays that: "May the message of God reach far and wide!" In order for this to happen, he needs your help to reach a wider audience. Apart from sharing and spreading the news about this book, another thing you can do (if you have time and are motivated to help), is to ask your local library to carry the book. Most libraries are glad to receive recommendations from their patrons.
Click here to order this brilliant book. You can contact with the author through this address: mansurjohnson (at) hotmail (dot) com
Dear Reader: Prepare for a unique adventure of spiritual discovery and transformation ... you have before you a wild, bucking-bronco of a ride. Hold on! - from the forward by Neil Douglas-Klotz, author of The Sufi Book of Life.
Credit: Mansur Johsnon's site
Previous post: Samuel L. Lewis :: An illuminated soul and inspiration