Meet you Meat - Watch the videos about what you eat and from where it comes from. At times you may feel to take away your eyes, to deny it all together - but pls bear with it. You should know the reality. Click here to watch it.
Not so long time back in a sufi conference, one of the speaker was pointing out the fact that from islamic point of view (as well judaic tradition which follow particular method), the way present poultry houses treat animals, although many are slaughtered following Islamic tradition, they can not be called halal or permissible. Islam has definite guideline and clear instruction to be merciful to animal. Even before slaughtering an animal, the Prophet instructed to show compassion to the animal, such as giving it water. These days in poultries the animals raised in conditions where from its birth until death it can not move even, always caged in very minimal space - which is very unethical. Thus only slaughtering the animal in the name of God isn't the only criterion that makes it halal. When i was watching this site: which promote vegetarianism it came to me again.
Take a look how badly the poultry industry, which supplies an enormous amount of chicken, beef, mutton everyday - how brutally they treat animal. Its very easy to understand when one consider the alarming rate of animal meat consumption in todays world and the volume (just think how much chicken is used for MacDonalds alone). Even the amazon forests are being destroyed to make room to grow food (like soya) for the huge volume of poultry animal. The way such large volume of animals are treated, is completely against any moral behavior. The treatment against the chicken and pig are specially very sad.
Its far better not to eat poultry meats such as chicken specially which are nothing but artificial meat produced by chemical hormones applied on helpless chicken to grow them in a very un-natural way. Many of the animals are genetically modified to grow faster.
Watch the video here to know what we eat really. I would encourage you to replace poultry meat with vegetarian diet. You may eat fish or other protein sources. As for me, i have decided to cut my protein diet by taking vegetarian diet on my lunch whenever possible for the moment (And whenever possible i am avoiding meat). At least that confirms about 50% reduction of those artificial chemical homone intake and to be part of this brutal behavior against helpless animals. By doing this, you are not only acting responsible against such cruel behavior on animals but also reducing the chance of cancer by not intaking those toxins and harmful chemicals.
Pls WATCH the videos: on this site and decide for yourself. Also Watch Ohio Egg farm investigation and Pig farm investigation.
Previous post on vegetarianism:
+ Vegetarianism : A comparative world religion perspective
+ Vegetarianism : A comparative world religion perspective 2
+ More resources on rethinking vegetarianism
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