War is a thing most sad and miserable.
A dirty secret which stains our beautiful world
with the horror of its crimson shame.
Amidst these horrors,
our instinct is to throw care-worn hands
over bruised eyes,
in a desperate attempt to veil our souls
from this pain.
We waste God’s blessings
on guns and bombs and tanks:
these dark dreams
are humanity’s guilty disgrace.
And, war’s darkest secret,
and most serious ill,
is its destruction of the human heart,
like a raving wolf
within the gentle sheep’s enclosure.
Vengeance is a dish best served cold.
No! And again, no!
Revenge is mortal poison,
whose accursed touch
only God’s Loving grace can master.
We must face these horrors
and not run:
‘Praise be to God in every condition’,
was the weapon with which the Prophets,
God’s peace be upon them all,
fought against corruption.
And we lesser folk
must strive with might and main
to do the same,
or lose all claim to humanity.
Atrocities must be faced
and justice given to all.
There is no other way
for people of conscience.
by, Abdur Rahman
Credit: Abdur Rahman's Corner
A dirty secret which stains our beautiful world
with the horror of its crimson shame.
Amidst these horrors,
our instinct is to throw care-worn hands
over bruised eyes,
in a desperate attempt to veil our souls
from this pain.
We waste God’s blessings
on guns and bombs and tanks:
these dark dreams
are humanity’s guilty disgrace.
And, war’s darkest secret,
and most serious ill,
is its destruction of the human heart,
like a raving wolf
within the gentle sheep’s enclosure.
Vengeance is a dish best served cold.
No! And again, no!
Revenge is mortal poison,
whose accursed touch
only God’s Loving grace can master.
We must face these horrors
and not run:
‘Praise be to God in every condition’,
was the weapon with which the Prophets,
God’s peace be upon them all,
fought against corruption.
And we lesser folk
must strive with might and main
to do the same,
or lose all claim to humanity.
Atrocities must be faced
and justice given to all.
There is no other way
for people of conscience.
by, Abdur Rahman
Note from Author, Abdur Rahman: The poem was written in response to the horrors of war, particularly the recent Beit Hanoun massacre. It was inspired by the heartfelt sorrow of our good brother Sadiq. I took the title from a comment by our worthy brother Irving (aka Darvish). May God bless their hearts.
Credit: Abdur Rahman's Corner