I do not ask any reward of you (for my transmissions, my teachings, my life given to truth) but the love of those who are near (al-qurba).
~ the Qur'an 42:23
Who are the near ones? What is it that Messengers are from our self? What is the most intimate and near to self? What is the identity of al-Mahdi?
Who is Imam al-Mahdi? What are the trustworthy narrations about him from the sayings of the truthful divine informer? Are we aware that one of the signs of his arrival will also be time of great confusion, intense disputes and increasingly violent deaths? What is the reality of al-Mahdi and the general fitnah, discord, and signs both earthly and celestial that will attend his manifestation?
What are the inner reality of the much highlighted tradition of 12 imams or leaders in the Muhammadan community as prophecised by the Messenger himself?
What is the middle way, the way of the haqiqah that joins the exoteric with the esoteric, the zahir and the batin?
What are the implications of the saying of the Messenger Guide, "Whoever dies not knowing the Guide ('Imam) of his time surely dies the death of the age of ignorance?"
What is the vision of the heart and its connection with the recognition of the Hidden Imam? Is there a role of love, or al-walayah of the Imam for realizing true faith?
Be aware, for you are stepping into, possibly into the realm about which the great Imams spoke thus, "Our teaching is arduous, very difficult; the only ones who can stand itare a Prophet e sent from Allah Glorious is He, an angel of Proximity, or a faithful believer whose heart has been tested by Allah, High above any association, for faith.”
None is promising that the teachings which will be shared in this program are going to be easy, but by the Grace of Allah, those who are lucky, chosen, albeit few, may ask for Divine Grace and the Bestowal of the Capacity of the Heart to be fortunate to receive them. Visit the Green Mountain Website for other media available from the Series called Ulul-Azim.
Shaykh Nooruddeen Durkee ash-Shadhili, may Allah bless him and give him strength, will be speaking on al-Mahdi and Hidden Imam along with others speakers at Islamic Study Center, Charlottesville, Virginia USA on 3rd November in a day long program. An event that not only transcends divisions between Shia and Sunni but unites them and provides an all encompassing reality map to see reality or facets of reality as they truly are. The event will be free of charge and inshaAllah will be broadcast live via Google Hangout (click to visit).